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EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» EA SEA WAY Conference Pilot Projects presentation and analysis on future projects on people mobility in the Adriatic Ionian area (Trieste, 3 rd December 2015) Elisabetta Reja Friuli Venezia Giulia Region International Relations and Strategic Infrastructures Office

2 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EU macroregional strategies: concept and added value EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR): challenges and opportunities EUSAIR Action Plan Focus on EUSAIR Pillar 2. “Connecting the Region” How to implement the Action Plan: the governance Functions of the Thematic Steering Groups-TSG TSG2 composition and activities Key issues Main topics

3 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015  Functional «soft» policy space: a regional sense of identity; a wish for common strategic planning; and a willingness to pool resources  A macro-regional strategy should be endorsed by the European Parliament and Council.  Reinforced cooperation based on integrated development and «place-based» approach EU macroregional strategies: concept and definition  Regulation 1303/2013 (Common Provisions on ESIF 2014-20) Art. 2, 31) Definition of “macroregional strategy”: 1) is an integrated framework relating to Member States and third countries in the same geographical area; 2) addresses common challenges; 3) benefits from strengthened cooperation for economic, social and territorial cohesion  Regulation 1303/2013 (Common Provisions on ESIF 2014-20) Art. 2, 31) Definition of “macroregional strategy”: 1) is an integrated framework relating to Member States and third countries in the same geographical area; 2) addresses common challenges; 3) benefits from strengthened cooperation for economic, social and territorial cohesion

4 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 The concept also incorporates principles of: integration – objectives should be embedded in existing policy frameworks (EU, regional, national, local, pre-accession), programmes (EU, country-specific, territorial cooperation, sectorial), and financial instruments; coordination – policies, strategies and funding resources cooperation – countries should cooperate, and sectors also, across the region, changing the ‘mind-set’ from inward to outward-looking regional development ideas; multi-level governance – different levels of policy-makers should work better partnership – EU and non-EU countries can work together The concept also incorporates principles of: integration – objectives should be embedded in existing policy frameworks (EU, regional, national, local, pre-accession), programmes (EU, country-specific, territorial cooperation, sectorial), and financial instruments; coordination – policies, strategies and funding resources cooperation – countries should cooperate, and sectors also, across the region, changing the ‘mind-set’ from inward to outward-looking regional development ideas; multi-level governance – different levels of policy-makers should work better partnership – EU and non-EU countries can work together EU macroregional strategies: concept and definition

5 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region - EUSAIR Albania, Bosnia Erzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia Promote sustainable economical and social prosperity of the Region improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity, while preserving the environment and ensuring healthy and balanced marine and coastal ecosystem Support the full integration of the non EU States

6 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EUSAIR ( European Council conclusion of December 2012: presentation by the Commission of a new EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region before the end of 2014 Stakeholders Consultation (July-December 2013) and Athens Conference (February 2014) Communication concerning the European Union Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region - 17.06.2014 - COM(2014) 357 final and Action Plan European Council endorsement on 23-24 October 2014 Launch of EUSAIR (Bruxelles, 18 novembre 2014) –«Joint Statement» and «Working Paper» on governance Governing Board first meeting (Ancona, 22-23 gennaio 2014) and three round of TSGs meetings (March-April; June-July; November-December 2015)

7 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EUSAIR: challenges and opportunities Major challenges: Socio-economic disparities, Transport (Infrastructure deficits and poor accessibility), Energy (interconnection of electricity grids remains inadequate and investments in gas infrastructure are essential), Environment (Increased human use of the marine and coastal space threatens ecosystems), Natural and man-made hazards and risks entailed by climate change, Administrative and institutional issues Clarifying and designing the strategic position of the Region in Europe, ensuring equal decision-making power to Member States and non EU Countries; Streamlining measures, projects and investments able to produce a multiplying effect on the entire value productive chain Defining a clear, homogenous and functioning framework, as prerequisite to be operational

8 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 Response: EUSAIR Action Plan (Rolling document) 1. BLU GROWTH (Greece- Montenegro) 2. CONNECTING THE REGION ( Italy-Serbia) 3. ENVIRONMENT QUALITY (Slovenia-Bosnia Erzegovina) 4. SUSTAINABLE TOURISM ( Croatia-Albania) 1.1 Blue technologies2.1 Maritime transport 3.1 The marine environment 4.1 Diversified tourism offer (products and services) 1.2 Fisheries and aquaculture 2.2 Intermodal connections to the hinterland 3.2 Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity 4.2 Sustainable and responsible tourism management (innovation and quality) 1.3 Maritime and marine governance and services 2.3 Energy networks 4 Pillars (Specific Objectives -Topics, Actions, projects) Capacity building, Research and Innovation, SMEs (cross-cutting issues) + Climate change and risk management (horizontal principles )

9 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EUSAIR Action Plan: Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» -Infrastructure deficits, notably between EU Member States and the other countries which requires urgent measures and intervention for a full integration of Western Balkans network and services in to EU -Bottlenecks, to be removed, and missing links, intermodal connections which need rehabilitation -Excessive waiting times and procedures at borders hamper freight movement -Multi-modal transport is little developed and is necessary to intervene on maritime traffic congestion -A strategic position which enables to reduce travel sea distance from Far East to Central Europe market -Potential to increase the competitiveness of hinterland economies by improving land-sea connectivity and intermodal transportation To improve transport and energy connectivity in the Region and with the rest of Europe

10 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EUSAIR Action Plan: Pillar 2. (Topics and specific Objectives) T o s tr e n g t h e n m a ri ti m e s a f e t y a n d s e c u ri t y a n d d e v e l o p a c o m p e ti ti v e r e g i o n a l i n t e r m o d a l p o rt s y s t e m Maritime transport To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers Intermodal connections to the hinterland To achieve a well-interconnected and well-functioning internal energy market Energy networks

11 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 EUSAIR Action Plan: Pillar 2. (Topics and indicative Actions) Clustering port activities/services” “Improving and Harmonizing traffic monitoring and management” “Developing ports, optimising port interfaces, infrastructures and procedures /Operations” Maritime transport Developing the Western Balkans comprehensive network” “Improving the accessibility of the coastal areas and islands” “Developing motorways of the sea” “Railway reform” “Development of air transport” “Cross-border facilitation” Intermodal connections to the hinterland “Cross-border electricity interconnections” “Gas pipelines” “Support the establishment of a well- functioning electricity market” “Remove barriers for cross-border investments” Energy networks

12 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 How to implement? EUSAIR governance Joint statement of 8 Countries on Governance ( Bruxelles, 18 November 2014) GOVERNING BOARD Interface between the operational/managerial level (Thematic Steering Groups) and the political/ministerial level Political level and strategic guidance THEMATIC STEERING GROUPS - One per pillar - Coordinated by twins Countries Implementing Level STAKEHOLDERS PLATFORM ETC OP ADRION 2014-20

13 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 Thematic Steering Group – Composition and functions Designated standing Members at national (ministerial) and regional level (only Italy at present: two nominated Regions per TSG as Interregional Coodinators) entitled to represent respective Countries + EU Commission Services (guests are foreseen) Identifying and endorsing actions/projects on the basis of broad and specific criteria; Promoting relevant regional surveys, technical and economic feasibility studies and comparative analyses to set priorities amongst identified actions/projects; Liaising with the other TSGs; Liaising with the Round Tables under the Adriatic Ionian Initiative Liaising with Managing Authorities/National IPA Coordinators of EU programmes in EU and non-EU countries; Liaising with relevant EU programmes directly managed by the Commission, International Financial Institutions, regional cooperation organisations, etc.; Liaise with, and seek inputs from stakeholders relevant for the pillar through the Stakeholder Platform, whenever deemed appropriate

14 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 Pillar 2. Thematic Steering Group – TSG2 4 Italian and Serbian Pillar Coordinators (Ministerial representatives: 2 for Transport and 2 for Energy) Standing members are the representatives of Ministries of Transport and Infrastructure/Energy (Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region and Abuzzo Region representatives are standing members as well) FVG Region plays a role of TSG2 Technical Support Unit, under the supervision, direction and guidance of Pillar 2 Coordinators Three round meetings: Trieste (April, 20-21 st ), Belgrade (July, 6- 7 th ), Rome (December,14-15 th ) Prioritarization exercise -Common position on prioritarisation of (Indicative) Actions and criteria -Identification/selection of measures/projects (on the basis of level of maturity, relevance, added value for the strategy, impact quality and specific criteria) -Identification of financial schemes and instrument for their realization

15 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015

16 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 Key issues Promote structural projects taking into account the multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020: coordination between OPs and priorities, combination of Funds Pooling together competences and experiences better and smart management solution at the programming level Support the elaboration of projects also through dedicated mechanisms (at the prefeasibility study level) Create a virtuous circle between different layers (EU, MS and Regions, stakeholders) taking in to account existing macroregional strategies (promoting dialogue and exchange of experiences)

17 EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: Implementation of Pillar 2. «Connecting the Region» Trieste, 3 rd December 2015 Thank you for your attention

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