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Sexual Assault Training for Your Campus October 15, 2014 Ann H. Franke.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Assault Training for Your Campus October 15, 2014 Ann H. Franke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Assault Training for Your Campus October 15, 2014 Ann H. Franke

2 As Advertised Defining primary prevention Who needs what training? Training methods Free and low-cost training tools

3 Primary prevention takes place before violence occurs.

4 Primary prevention aims to prevent initial perpetration or victimization.

5 Training For…. Students Investigators Title IX Coordinators Adjudicators “First Responders” Who May Receive a Report New Employees Campus Public Safety Counselors Res Life Athletics Staff

6 Plan your messages for students carefully.

7 Consider LGBTQA training needs.

8 Consider bystander intervention.

9 Student training issues can hit the press. “ThinkLuv” Social norming questions on personal sexual activity

10 By the Way….What Is Training?


12 Keep an inventory of training – broadly defined.

13 It doesn’t get cheaper than…



16 WhiteHouse.Gov Search on Videos 1 is 2 Many PSA White House

17 Other Cool Stuff The Undetected Rapist $20 Legal Momentum National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women Training Tools AEquitas Resources Alcohol – Facilitated Sexual Assault

18 Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center U.S. Department of Justice aultTraining.cfm See Training Resources page 7


20 Best Google Search Tip Title IX training SITE COLON DOT EDU

21 What’s On Your Minds? Ann H. Franke Wise Results LLC

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