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Positive Mindsets..

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Mindsets.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Mindsets.

2 Born Smart?

3 Are we born smart or stupid?
Is intelligence fixed from birth? Do we have ‘built-in’ talents as a baby? Or… do talents, abilities and intelligence itself grow from experience and practice?

4 Importance of development!
At birth, we can’t WALK or TALK These abilities don’t pop up overnight…. ….. they DEVELOP as we LEARN!!

5 So are we born…. Good at maths? Good at science? Good at literacy?

6 Two beliefs about intelligence

7 Mindset matters! You can choose to adopt a growth mindset.
Fixed Mindset People with a fixed mindset believe intelligence is innate - you get what you’re given Growth Mindset People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed over time through practice High achievers often have a fixed mindset – they have a fear of failure because of their association with success. You can choose to adopt a growth mindset.

8 Changes in Fixed and Growth Mindsets Across Year Groups
Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset R n/a 100% 1 10% 90% 2 18% 82% 3 42% 58%

9 It’s all about brain power and effort!
How do we learn? Talk about neurons and how our brain creates new neural pathways when new learning takes place. Challenge is important to provide opportunity to build new learning. Effort! Discuss and define what ‘effort’ actually means with your children – will lead to better self evaluation Our brain needs to work out! Children believe that with effort and perseverance they can learn, be successful and grow their own intelligence. The brain has a great capacity to develop through exercise. With practice these neural connections becomes stronger and the brain becomes denser. It’s all about brain power and effort!

10 We encourage a ‘have a go culture’ based on……
High expectations within a differentiated responsive classroom Where effort is praised and not the outcome Where children believe that mistakes are an important part of learning new things Where a challenge is readily excepted by children who think ‘This could be difficult – bring it on! Where risk taking is encouraged! All children can achieve and be successful

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