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CEP 909 - Remember? October 10, 2002. Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Announcements  Visiting Scholars  Hit n’

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Presentation on theme: "CEP 909 - Remember? October 10, 2002. Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Announcements  Visiting Scholars  Hit n’"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEP 909 - Remember? October 10, 2002

2 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Announcements  Visiting Scholars  Hit n’ Miss Matt  Students get a voice

3 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Pop Quiz  Anyone care to guess my learning style?  Active … Reflective  Sensing … Intuitive  Visual … Verbal  Sequential … Global

4 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Group Projects  Two more weeks developing materials  Two weeks of collecting data  Four weeks of looking at data

5 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology War of the Ghosts  What did you learn?

6 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology So, what’s the deal with all this data and analysis I have you do?  What to give you experiences:  Looking at data  Analyzing it for trends and ideas  NOT statistics  Designing experiments  Thinking about how to see what people are thinking

7 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology What’s the deal with all this knowledge assessment stuff anyhow?  First it’s concept maps  Then it’s speak aloud  Then it’s essay questions  Then it’s surveys  And in two slides, it’s going to be sorting tasks  And next week, it’s going to be RepGrid

8 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology What’s the deal with all this knowledge assessment stuff anyhow?  Trying to give you tools that you might be able to use in your future work  Especially as it relates to technology  Where knowledge is especially not visible because nobody is talking  Trying to give you tools that you might not encounter in your other classes

9 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Sorting Tasks  Let’s do one  Work in Pairs  One researcher, one participant  Participant is handed items that represent potential activities a teacher could enact to teach young children about measurement  Participant should sort them into piles/categories based on similarities  Researcher records their sorts

10 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Sorting Task  From:  Horvath, J. & Lehrer, R. (2000). The Design of a Case-Based Hypermedia Teaching Tool. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 5, 115-141.

11 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Sorting Task  What did your participant do?  What knowledge/concepts did they use to make categories?

12 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Sorting Task  An Expert Sort  3, 17 Length: Zero-Point 9,13 Length: Conventional Units 2,4,8 Length: Re-using units 1,6,10,14 Length: Identical Units 15,18 Area: Reallotment 5, 11 Area as cover 7, 12, 16,19 Area: Space Filling

13 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Sorting Task  Changes Over Time  Quantify the degree of difference between a participants sort and an expert’s sort  Track it over time

14 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Sorting Task  Another Example:  Koehler, M.J., & Lehrer, R. (1998). Designing a hypermedia tool for learning about children’s mathematical cognition. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 18(2), pp. 123-145.  Participants sort word problems that might be given to very young children.

15 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Homework for Next week  Two choices: Hypertext fiction OR OR Do a sorting task with someone Do a sorting task with someone

16 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology BREAKTIME

17 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology The Great Debate  Topic: The Chinese Room Thought Experiment effectively refutes the idea that thought - intelligence - meaning -understanding - semantics can be the product of computation - symbol manipulation - syntax  PRO  CON  Chose your side

18 Matthew J. Koehler October 10, 2002CEP 909 - Cognition and Technology Group work  Groups, share your thoughts / findings with the class

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