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Tides and Eclipses. JGtg JGtg.

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Presentation on theme: "Tides and Eclipses. JGtg JGtg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tides and Eclipses


3 JGtg JGtg

4 Tides Gravity between the moon and Earth cause a daily rise and fall in ocean waters as the moon revolves around the Earth Locations in line with the moon have the strongest pull and the highest tides As the Earth rotates, a location (labeled X) will experience high and low tides

5 There are 4 tides in 24 hours, with each day having 2 high tides and 2 low tides Every 12 to 12.5 hours from one high tide to the next high tide OR 6 hours between high and low tide Tides are cyclic and predictable


7 Spring Tides Higher than normal and lower than normal; large tidal range Full and new moon phase, Sun, Earth and Moon are all lined up.

8 Neap Tides Little difference between high and low tides; small tidal range First quarter and third quarter phases, Sun, Earth and Moon are at right angles

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10 Eclipses Umbra – Prenumbra - Darkest inner part of the shadow, Will experience a total eclipse Outer shadow, will experience a partial eclipse

11 Solar Eclipse Sun is blocked by the Moon (Moon’s shadow falls on earth) Can only occur in the phase New Moon

12 Total Solar Eclipse- July 22, 2009



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16 LUNAR ECLIPSE Moon is blocked by Earth’s shadow (Earth’s shadow falls on moon) Can only occur in the phase. Full Moon

17 Lunar Eclipse

18 Next total lunar eclipse – Sept 28, 2015

19 January 31, 2018

20 Why don’t eclipses happen every month? Moon’s orbit is tilted at a 2-3° angle to earth’s orbit around the sun Must align perfectly for eclipse

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