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General motivation S. Geer, K. Long Charge: (July collaboration meeting) Neutrinos and our lives (PR motivation) Neutrino oscillation and the role of NuFact.

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Presentation on theme: "General motivation S. Geer, K. Long Charge: (July collaboration meeting) Neutrinos and our lives (PR motivation) Neutrino oscillation and the role of NuFact."— Presentation transcript:

1 General motivation S. Geer, K. Long Charge: (July collaboration meeting) Neutrinos and our lives (PR motivation) Neutrino oscillation and the role of NuFact Other physics at Neutrino Factor complex and muon collider Neutrino factory description (the accelerator) Role of cooling in Neutrino Factory and muon collider, the need for MICE

2 Neutrinos and our lives: Recent observations imply neutrinos have mass and mix: The Neutrino Factory; the ultimate tool: Neutrinos from decay of stored muons: intensity, beam composition, known and variable energy Step on the way to muon collider: perhaps the route of choice to multi-TeV lepton-lepton collisions The Standard Model is incomplete Neutrino abundance and neutrino mass: mass in neutrinos ~ that of visible stars CP violation in lepton sector: Lepto- genesis astrophysical consequences! cosmological consequences! Birth of a new technique for particle physics

3 Neutrino oscillations: status m212m212 m223m223    Solar Atmos. CP-violation:   0    m223m223 m212m212

4 Status (cont.): Important for CP- violation search

5 Planned/proposed experiments: * Designed for  appearance   x :K2K, MINOS, CNGS (also    *) J2K, NuMI off axis, CNGS off axis, superbeam e  x : SNO, Kamland, GNO, Borexino,  -beam … comment on: <0.013  JHF-SK <0.028<0.040 ?  Low energy CNGS <0.033<0.039<0.056  CNGSx1.5* <0.039<0.047<0.067  CNGS* <0.042<0.049<0.06<0.085  MINOS <0.14 CHOOZ 200920082007200620052004 P. Migliozzi Indication of time-line

6 Neutrino Factory cf. conventional sources:

7 NuFact cf. conventional sources (cont.):

8 Other physics at the Neutrino Factory High precision -p and -n DIS PDFs: complete flavour decomposition Nuclear shadowing  S from xF 3 -  S ~0.003 |V cd | and |V cs |, D 0 / D 0 mixing sin 2  W -  sin 2  W ~ 0.0001 Polarised structure functions Beyond the SM searches Crucial: -N cross-sections for -oscillation measurements Deep inelastic scattering

9 Other physics at the Neutrino Factory (cont.) ‘Other’ physics Arising from high muon flux Rare (F L -violating) decays GSW parameters Search for CP, T and CPT Muonium (  , m ,  ) Muonic atoms (r N, weak interaction)  -spin rotation (condensed matter physics) Arising from high proton flux Nuclear physics (heavy nuclei, exotic nuclei) Nuclear astrophysics Atomic physics Medicine Materials CVC-hypothesis in beta decay

10 Neutrino flux: The key to success at NuFct Physics reach increases with neutrino flux Maximise stored muon intensity Implies:  Require to capture and store as many of the ‘decay’ muons as possible  Cool muon beam Short muon lifetime requires novel technique: IONISATION COOLING

11 Ionisation cooling PrinciplePractice

12 Neutrino factory cooling channel CERN cooling channel Ionisation cooling complicated in principle and in practice Cooling effect comes from delicate balance between cooling (dE/dx) and heating (MCS) To achieve required cooling (at least a factor of 10) requires a LONG channel Require to demonstrate cooling works in principle (MuScat) and in practice - MICE

13 Muon ionisation cooling experiment Mission statement:  Design, build, commission and operate a realistic section of cooling channel  Measure its performance in a variety of modes of operation and beam conditions i.e. the results of MICE will allow design of Neutrino Factory complex to be optimised with confidence.

14 Status of draft: More to do. Progress this week! Deadline 15Nov02 S. Geer

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