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 1814-1815 –European leaders led by Austria (Prime Minister Metternich)  Goals  Prevent French Aggression  Balance of Power (No country is a threat.

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Presentation on theme: " 1814-1815 –European leaders led by Austria (Prime Minister Metternich)  Goals  Prevent French Aggression  Balance of Power (No country is a threat."— Presentation transcript:

1  1814-1815 –European leaders led by Austria (Prime Minister Metternich)  Goals  Prevent French Aggression  Balance of Power (No country is a threat to anyone)  Restore royal families to the throne  Result=5 Grt Powers (GB, FR, Austria, Prussia, RS)  Unintentional Side-Effect: encourages Nationalism

2 European Map after Congress of Vienna (1817) Napoleon Empire Map (1815)

3  Nationalism – belief that people should be loyal to nation not king  share a cmmn culture & history  Can identify better with own gov’t  People have the right to self-govern  Nation-States—independent gov, represents itself ▪ Ex. England, France, Ireland, America

4 Nationality Language Culture History Religion Territory Nation-State Defends its territory & way of life Representative to the rest of the world Embodies the people & ideals



7 ConservativesLiberalsRadicals Wealthy & Nobility Argued for traditional monarchy Middle Class Power to elected parliaments BUT only the landowners and educated “Fringes” often students Extend democracy to all people Drastic changes

8 18211830s1848 Ottoman Turks (Muslims) control Balkan region Greeks rebel Popular with scholars, Russians, many Europeans British, French, & Russians ally and crush Turks Grks win indepdt Belgians declare independence from Dutch Poles revolt against Russians, but are crushed French king Charles X tries to return to absolute monarchy, students in Paris rebel (put down) Paris mobs overthrow Louis-Philippe, reestablish republic Louis-Napoleon wins presidential election; takes title of Emperor Napoleon III Encourages reform Experiences economic prosperity

9 Austro-HungarianOttomanRussian Control Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Poles, Serbs, & Italians Prussia gains control of German States Split Austria & Hungary, but both under Emperor Turks control Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, Armenians Grants equal citizenship to all people under rule Angers conservative Turks—causes tension Ex: massacres of Armenians after a revolt (genocide) Control Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Jews, Romanians, Georgians, Armenians, & Turks Loses Crimean War v. Ottomans Russification—impose Russian culture Strengthened nationalist feelings Disunified Russia Weakened czar’s power

10  Giuseppe Mazzini  Formed “Young Italy”— youth nationalist group  1848—Rebellions broke out, Mazzini briefly leads a republic in Rome  Driven into exile

11  Camillo di Cavour  Prime Minister of Italian State Sardinia  Expanded borders of Sardinia, unifying most of Northern Italy

12  Giuseppe Garibaldi  Leader of nationalists rebels in Southern Italy  Supported by Cavour  Turned over control of Southern Italy to King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia ▪ United all of Italy


14  Otto Von Bismarck  Prime minister of Prussia under Wilhelm I  Realpolitik—politics of reality ▪ practicality > idealism  Encourages expansion of Prussia through war The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches or by majority decisions—but by blood and iron!

15  Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks War)  Prussia had superior training and equipment  Austria humiliated  Territory turned over to Prussia, created North German Federation, led by Prussia

16  Franco-Prussian War  Southern Germany unsure of Prussian control so…  Bismarck insults the French so they would declare war on Prussia  Prussians overwhelm Paris & capture Napoleon III—force surrender  Everyone is proud to be German, so Southern Germans accept Prussian control  King Wilhelm I of Prussia is crowned kaiser (emperor) of Germany


18 Bismarck

19  Think about:  Congress of Vienna & its results  Who became stronger?  Who became weaker?  How did Nationalism affect those countries?

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