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Analog on the Arduino int k; // integer = 16 bits k = analogRead(1); Analog volts value (0V → 5V) returns from 0 to 1023 into “k” (10 “bits” = 1024 values)

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Presentation on theme: "Analog on the Arduino int k; // integer = 16 bits k = analogRead(1); Analog volts value (0V → 5V) returns from 0 to 1023 into “k” (10 “bits” = 1024 values)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analog on the Arduino int k; // integer = 16 bits k = analogRead(1); Analog volts value (0V → 5V) returns from 0 to 1023 into “k” (10 “bits” = 1024 values)

2 Analog range: ● dynamic range ● precision ● accuracy – repeatability ● calibration for accuracy?

3 Resolution 2 bits 0 - 3 8 bits 0 – 255 10 bits0 – 1023 16 bitsto 65000 32 bitsto over 4 billion

4 Resolution / precision 5 volts 1024 possible measurements So resolution = 5000 / 1024 millivolts Ie about 5 mV

5 ● Pullups and Voltage Dividers



8 “50k OHM Thermistor NTC 3950 MF52AT”

9 Accurate temp sensor LM35 But analog sensor resolution could be better matched than this

10 ● Modulo division – remainders ● Long integers – preventing rollover errors

11 PWM to LEDs (remember that?) PWM output (dimming a LED) used analogWrite(3, 150); // pin d3, 150/255 bright This was “8 bit” resolution (0 - 255)

12 Industrial Common industrial analog signalling has been 4 – 20 mA full range. How could Arduino handle that? Why start from 4 mA, not 0mA?

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