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A Perspective on Challenges to the Delivery of Distance Education in the Unisa Context Prof Narend Baijnath - VP Strategy, Planning and Partnerships -

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Presentation on theme: "A Perspective on Challenges to the Delivery of Distance Education in the Unisa Context Prof Narend Baijnath - VP Strategy, Planning and Partnerships -"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Perspective on Challenges to the Delivery of Distance Education in the Unisa Context Prof Narend Baijnath - VP Strategy, Planning and Partnerships - Unisa

2 1.Institutional Context Climate of constant change Organisational size and complexity Regulatory environment H E System/Sector in flux Technological advancements Societal change and impact on the University Demands for skilled personpower –access, throughputs Diversity and differentiation in the sector

3 Access with success Geographical reach Student diversity – diverse needs Scale versus diversity of choice Legacy – PQM, culture, capacity Change and resistance MIS, institutional architecture 2. QA Challenges

4 Course Registrations by Module Size, 2007 [Disa] No of Modules Cum. Total % TotalCum. % % 2007 Course Counts Cumulative % Course Counts 1 – 51 068 20% 0% 6 - 94001 4688%28%0%1% 10 - 247422 21014%42%1%2% 25 - 496992 90913%55%2%4% 50 - 996703 57913%68%4%8% 100 - 2497264 30514%82%9%17% 250 - 4993554 6607%88%9%27% 500 - 1 0002664 9265%93%13%40% 1 000 - 5 0003125 2386%99%39%80% 5 000 - 10 000255 2630%100%8%88% 10 000 - 21 000125 2750%100%12%100% Offered in 2006 6385 2750%100%0%100% Grand Total5 275 100%

5 Age Group Reg by Formal [Disa] Age Group 2004200520062007 No% % % % < 20 490%1 7781%8 3254%16 6899% 20-30 79 49438%93 61443%105 63846%91 49849% 30-40 80 60139%77 05236%74 72233%52 55128% 40-50 37 14218%34 51016%32 52214%20 26911% 50-60 9 2364%8 3044%7 3803%4 1772% 60-70 1 0881%9050%7270%4230% 70-75 900%870%580%350% > 75 420%320%240%180% Total 207 742100%216 282100%229 396100%185 660100%

6 Formal Reg by Nationality [Disa] Continent 2004200520062007 No% % % % Africa 203 36998%212 44298%226 01699%183 49499% Asia 6740%6530%6830%4640% Europe 2 4811%2 2351%1 9081%1 2321% Oceania 4400%3750%3020%1690% Americas 6540%5740%4850%3010% Unknown 1240%3 2 Total 207 742100%216 282100%229 396100%185 660100%

7 Formal Reg by Employment Status [Disa] StatusDetails 2004200520062007 No% % % % Employed129 88363%128 37359%135 78359%102 96655% Unemployed Full-time student31 79515%33 44915%41 54118%35 31319% Housewife1 6061%1 5001%1 5721%1 3171% Retiree1520%1460%1640%1320% Unemployed19 1299%24 00911%24 62011%22 80212% Subtotal52 68225%59 10427%67 89730%59 56432% Unknown25 17712%28 80513%25 71611%23 13012% Grand Total 207 742100%216 282100%229 396100%185 660100%

8 3.Towards a highly planned organisation Advocacy, dissemination, evangelism (whose responsibility ?) From Institutional purpose to outcomes Integrated, co-ordinated and aligned processes of planning – but detailed planning at manager level From Unisa 2015 to individual/Institutional outcomes From potential and promise to impact and effects Planning as achieving coherence between purpose and outcomes = STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT

9 A HIGHLY PLANNED ORGANISATION Strategic plan Functional plans Operational plans Individual perf. plans INSTITUTIONALINSTITUTIONALPURPOSEPURPOSEINSTITUTIONALINSTITUTIONALPURPOSEPURPOSE Social mandate Institu- tional character/ type Policy/ regulatory framework Institutional capabilities/ objectives Competitive positioning OUTCOMES Utility Quality Relevant knowledge Relevant HR capacity Relevant community outreach Critical citizenship National culture identity Strategic leadership Vision, advocacy, accountability, analysis, MIS Strategic organisation S tructures, competencies, business architecture, technology, processes Strategic planning Planning, coordination, integration, alignment, resource allocation Strategic management Responsibility, performance, evaluation, reporting Systems, methods, instruments, institutional intelligence, policies, guidelines

10 4. UNISA 2015 On Planning Planning in.. Context of ambiguity and shifting sands; in the economy, society, and the higher education sector. We accept that uncertainty and rapid change have become the pervasive conditions under which planning must be done A highly planned institution offers the best protection against shifting and changing conditions A good plan must find expression in the allocation of its resources. It must then culminate in properly monitored implementation to ensure that performance outcomes are achieved

11 5. Reflection and Evaluation How do we know we are achieving intended outcomes? Performance Indicators Monitoring and evaluation Business Intelligence (MIS, IR, analyses)

12 6. QA processes Trial Audit – testing the robustness of the QA systems HEQC Compliance, regime of QA – methods, instruments, processes Capacities, infrastructure Saturated priorities

13 7. Obstacles Ownership and buy-in Management detachment System/process convolutions and failures Planning capacity Perceptions and reality - morale Cost-effectiveness vs effective educational experience Resistance, apathy and indifference Ideology, capacity and commitment gap between legacy and status quo, and transformational agenda Embedded cultures and practices Unisa 2015 competing for attention

14 7. Going Forward Ownership, responsibility, accountability Strategy implementation Stress on strategic management Integrated Planning Framework and Planning guidelines Review, reflection and analyses and research

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