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Amazing Grace / Alleluia 1/15 CCLI # 2153593. D D/C Amazing grace how sweet the sound D/BD/A# D/A That saved a wretch like me DD/C I once was lost but.

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Presentation on theme: "Amazing Grace / Alleluia 1/15 CCLI # 2153593. D D/C Amazing grace how sweet the sound D/BD/A# D/A That saved a wretch like me DD/C I once was lost but."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amazing Grace / Alleluia 1/15 CCLI # 2153593

2 D D/C Amazing grace how sweet the sound D/BD/A# D/A That saved a wretch like me DD/C I once was lost but now am found D/BD/A# D/A Was blind but now I see 2/15

3 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 3/15

4 D D/C ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear D/BD/A# D/A And grace my fears relieved DD/C How precious did that grace appear D/BD/A# D/A The hour I first believed 4/15

5 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 5/15

6 D D/C Through many dangers, toils and snares D/BD/A# D/A I have already come DD/C ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far D/BD/A# D/A And grace will lead me home 6/15

7 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 7/15

8 D D/C When we’ve been here ten thousand years D/BD/A# D/A Bright shining as the sun DD/C We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise D/BD/A# D/A Than when we first begun 8/15

9 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 9/15

10 D D/C Jesus loves me this I know D/BD/A# D/A For the bible tells me so DD/C Little ones to him belong D/BD/A# D/A They are weak but he is strong 10/15

11 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 11/15

12 D D/C Jesus loves me this I know D/BD/A# D/A As He loved so long ago DD/C Taking children on his knee D/BD/A# D/A Saying “Let them come to Me” 12/15

13 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 13/15

14 D D/C Jesus loves me still today D/BD/A# D/A Walking with me on his way DD/C Wanting as a friend to give D/BD/A# D/A Light and love to all who live 14/15

15 D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluiaalleluia, alleluia D D/C Alleluiaalleluia, allelu D/B D/A# D/A Alleluia alleluia, allelu, alleluia 15/15

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