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.. Introduction to the scheme Set up September 2010 Currently 164 members Two events (launch and coffee morning) Valentines day campaign Car share bays.

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Presentation on theme: ".. Introduction to the scheme Set up September 2010 Currently 164 members Two events (launch and coffee morning) Valentines day campaign Car share bays."— Presentation transcript:

1 .

2 Introduction to the scheme Set up September 2010 Currently 164 members Two events (launch and coffee morning) Valentines day campaign Car share bays Champion Liftshare week

3 Members Current membership 164 28% contact rate (41 members) 7 BUDI Teams

4 Savings

5 Future Savings

6 Launch Event 85 members signed up on one day Champion involved Free umbrellas given out

7 Coffee Morning Two coffee mornings Free coffee and biscuits Only 5 people signed up Will try again in the future

8 Valentines day campaign Used liftshare valentines cards Sent to each department in the hospital Only four new members

9 Car Share Bays 10 car share bays coming soon New car park in planning phase

10 Champion Director Attended Launch Helping out with Liftshare week Important to have someone at a high level to promote the scheme

11 Liftshare Week Giving out car share umbrellas for all the sign up in Liftshare week Prize Draws Promoting the scheme as a whole

12 Conclusion Keep pushing the scheme to encourage new members Promote it as much as possible Give out free recourses as much as possible Make people aware that they do not have to car share every day.

13 Thank you 01553 613742

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