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Intervention for Chronic and Emergency Exposure Situations International Cooperation The Role of IAEA Lecture IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in.

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Presentation on theme: "Intervention for Chronic and Emergency Exposure Situations International Cooperation The Role of IAEA Lecture IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intervention for Chronic and Emergency Exposure Situations International Cooperation The Role of IAEA Lecture IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources

2 Module X.10 - International Cooperation2 Introduction l In this lesson we shall cover the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the area of emergency preparedness and response

3 Module X.10 - International Cooperation3 Content l Background to IAEA l Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit l Response preparedness l Concept of operations l Summary

4 Module X.10 - International Cooperation4

5 5 Basic facts l Specialised agency within United Nations system l Created 1957 l 133 Member States l Headquarters in Vienna, Austria l Serves as: n World's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in nuclear field n International inspectorate for application of nuclear safeguards and verification measures covering civilian nuclear programmes

6 Module X.10 - International Cooperation6 The IAEA Policymaking Organs l General conference n Representatives of 133 member states l Board of governors n 35 members: s13 designated by the board and s22 elected by general conference l Jointly these n Decide programme and budget n Appoint director general

7 Module X.10 - International Cooperation7 Human and Financial Resources l Budget (e.g. 2000) n Direct expenses (regular) = US $226 million n Technical assistance = US $70 million n Extra-budgetary = US $14 million l Personnel n More then 900 professional staff n Around 1300 general support staff sTotal of more then 2200 staff world-wide

8 Module X.10 - International Cooperation8 The IAEA Secretariat l Headed by director general n Chief administrative officer n Term of four years n 6 deputy directors general

9 Module X.10 - International Cooperation9 IAEA Main Functions l Verification of peaceful uses l Promotion of safety l Transfer of technology

10 Module X.10 - International Cooperation10 Statutory Functions Promotion of Safety l International safety regime n Conventions n Safety standards n Provisions for applications of standards

11 Module X.10 - International Cooperation11 Legally Binding Conventions l Early notification of a nuclear accident l Assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency l Civil liability for nuclear damage n Joint protocol relating to the application of the Vienna convention and the Paris convention (with OECD) l Nuclear safety

12 Module X.10 - International Cooperation12 International Safety Standards l International basic safety standards on protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources (1996) n Co-sponsored by FAO, WHO, NEA(OECD), PAHO, ILO, IAEA

13 Module X.10 - International Cooperation13 Provisions for Applications of Standards l Technical documents and reports l Standard training material l Technical co-operation projects l Services

14 Module X.10 - International Cooperation14 Emergency Response Authorities l Statutory responsibilities l Legal responsibilities n Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident n Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency l Inter-agency agreements n General with WHO, FAO, WMO, ILO, IMO, ICAO, UNESCO, UNIDO n Specific with UN-OCHA on emergency response

15 Module X.10 - International Cooperation15 Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit l Founded in November 1997 l Aim: to integrate the Agency’s emergency preparedness and response activities l Located at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna (B building, 7th floor)

16 Module X.10 - International Cooperation16 Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit (EPRU) 5 professionals 2.5 support staff

17 Module X.10 - International Cooperation17 Activities of EPRU

18 Module X.10 - International Cooperation18 Technical Co-operation Projects l Regional n Europe n East Asia, South America l National

19 Module X.10 - International Cooperation19 Services l EPREV - Emergency Preparedness Review Team l Expert missions l Equipment l ERNET - Emergency Response Network

20 Module X.10 - International Cooperation20 Emergency Response Network - ERNET l Qualified emergency response teams from member states l Performance requirements manual

21 Module X.10 - International Cooperation21 IAEA Response Objectives Obligations & Assumed Responsibilities l Fulfill all obligations of conventions l Authenticate and verify rumours l Provide authoritative information on request l Ensure Member States’ representatives are briefed l Frequent, reliable and accurate releases of information to media in co-ordination with other international organisations l Interact with other organisations to co-ordinate response

22 Module X.10 - International Cooperation22 Initial Response Organization l 24-hr contact point for notification & requests for assistance n Duty Emergency Response Manager n Duty officers sNuclear and Radiation Safety sLogistic Support sPublic Information uScreen incoming information uAuthenticate and verify uDecide on the ERC activation level

23 Module X.10 - International Cooperation23 Emergency Response Centre (ERC)

24 Module X.10 - International Cooperation24 Resources and Capabilities ERC General

25 Module X.10 - International Cooperation25 Resources and Capabilities Staff 48 staff members from Nuclear Safety Department 5 from Public Information Division

26 Module X.10 - International Cooperation26 Staff Major Duties l Technical assessment of information received l Liaison with Member States, International Organisations and Missions l Public and media liaison l Sending and receiving notification/information l Field operations (within 24 hrs) sERNET (Emergency Response Network)

27 Module X.10 - International Cooperation27 Resources and Capabilities Administrative/Logistic l The Emergency Response Manager on duty has authority to activated as necessary the IAEA’s Emergency Response System l Emergency response fund of $500,000 l Databases n Contact points, expertise, equipment, technical data l Standing arrangements for laboratory, dosimetry and medical services

28 Module X.10 - International Cooperation28 Resources and Capabilities Telecommunications l Telecommunications system which includes satellite field communications l Internet capabilities l Media screening systems

29 Module X.10 - International Cooperation29 Resources and Capabilities Radiation Monitoring Equipment & Supplies l Radiation survey instruments l Personal protection equipment l General supplies

30 Module X.10 - International Cooperation30 Training, Drills and Exercises l All response staff regularly trained: n General overview n Function-specific training l Standard training material tied to procedures l Training records and programme l Communications drills l Exercises

31 Module X.10 - International Cooperation31 Emergency Exercises l Assistance exercises n Radiological emergency field exercises for response assistance teams l Information exchange exercises

32 Module X.10 - International Cooperation32 Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident l Accident state notifies Agency l IAEA authenticates and verifies notification l IAEA provides notification and additional verified information to States Parties, Member States and relevant international organisations

33 Module X.10 - International Cooperation33 Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident l Liaises with accident state, affected states, other states and international organisations l Analyses information and answers requests for information from Parties l Frequent, accurate media releases

34 Module X.10 - International Cooperation34 Assistance in Radiological Emergency l State reports problem to ERC l IAEA n Assesses available information n Offers its good offices or assistance if required n Co-ordinates and provides assistance to requesting state(s)

35 Module X.10 - International Cooperation35 Emergency Assistance Provided in 1999 l Istanbul, Turkey: Jan n Medical advice n In situ verification n Radiological survey l Lima, Peru: March n Medical advice n In situ verification n Review of cause of accident n Arrange for medical treatment abroad l Accra, Ghana: Nov n In situ verification n Source retrieval n Review of cause of accident

36 Module X.10 - International Cooperation36 Emergency Assistance Provided in 2000 l Ndola, Zambia: Jan n Radiation safety advice l Bangkok, Thailand: March n Medical advice n In situ verification

37 Module X.10 - International Cooperation37 Summary l Early Notification and Assistance conventions provide firm legal basis l Practical experience in operations for radiological emergencies l Successful co-operation between agencies l Large nuclear emergency is major challenge l Build on firm and existing foundation l ERNET will enhance capabilities

38 Module X.10 - International Cooperation38 Where to Get More Information l On the following web addresses and links there

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