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Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Multicast Document Exchanger.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Multicast Document Exchanger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Multicast Document Exchanger Nicolas BESSON Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christophe PARIS Christos TOYAS J-Y TIGLI Supervisor : THE IRADIS TEAM

2 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Introduction  Client-server application  Purpose  Diffusing documents through a network  Goal  Fast & scalable application  Development platform : Windows

3 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Agenda  Example of an e-learning session  Overview of Network Technologies  Software architecture  Tasks & Organisation  Conclusion

4 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Example of an e-learning session 1/2 Today Teacher Ben Network Your exam is on my computer Phill Steevy Loana OK, I’ve got it !!! :-) I haven’t receive it yet. :-| Come on !!! :-( CONCLUSION : It’s too long !!!

5 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Example of an e-learning session 2/2 With our application Teacher Ben Network Here is the exam. Phill Steevy Loana CONCLUSION : Faster and automatic OK, I’ve got it !!! Yes, let’s start! It seems difficult.

6 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Overview of network technologies  Technologies used today on the Internet  Technologies that may be used in the future  Our choice for the project

7 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project network technologies 1/4 Unicast Protocols File 1..n Packets of information Sender Receivers 123 5 4.. 15.. n123 5 4 15.. n123 5 4 15.. n 1..n Bandwidth needed ! Unicast protocols on Internet : - HTTP (world wide web) - SMTP (email transfers) - FTP (file transfer) - Chat Systems (IRC, AIM, ICQ etc.) etc,

8 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project network technologies 2/4 Traditional Multicast File Sender Receivers 1..n 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5.. 5 5 n n n 1..n 4 4 4 15 Not yet working on Internet, Only inside a Local Area Network (LAN) 1..n Packets of information

9 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project network technologies 3/4 Reliable Multicast File Sender Receivers 1..n 4 1 1 1 23 23 23 5.. 5 5 15.. n n n 1..n 4 4 4 415 4 4 4 15 ??? 4 ??? Protocols that use this concept - MTP-2 - XTP - RMP 1..n Packets of information

10 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project network technologies 4/4 Inside FCast File Sender Receivers 1..n Lost packets Need ~2.5 copies sent 1 1 1 3 3 3 5.. 5 5 24 15.. n n n 4 4 4 15 2 2 2 1..n -From Microsoft Research Labs 1..n Packets of information

11 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Network technologies UnicastMulticastReliable Multicast FCast

12 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Architecture Client/Server Communication Sender UDP Multicast Receiver TCP Global commands Receiver TCP join FCast Document …… Individual commands (Authentication, connection) Users Docs

13 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Tasks & Organization Architecture & Technology research Client GUI Server GUI Client FCast Server Client Integration Server Integration Save/Load config files ActiveX Formation WinSocket Formation MFC Formation C++ Database BessonCanetChungueMartinParisToyas 4 days 5 days3 days

14 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project Conclusion  Benefits  network protocols  multi-thread programming  Windows development (MFC and ActiveX)  What’s next ?  Source code freely available  Elaborate our own protocol (Fcast is not open-source)  Merge with the 2 next related projects

15 Nicolas BESSON Christophe PARIS Julien CANET David CHUNGUE Nicolas MARTIN Christos TOYAS CHat OUeb FLux-Relay ESSI 2 Project References , the project website  Binaries  Sources  Documentation (PDF, HTML, Word File)  Links & references

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