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Jeopardy Fertile Cresecent SumerBabylonJudaism Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Fertile Cresecent SumerBabylonJudaism Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Fertile Cresecent SumerBabylonJudaism Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Fertile Crescent Means land between two rivers.

4 $100 Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia

5 $200 Fertile Crescent Long periods without rain.

6 $200 Fertile Crescent Drought

7 $300 Fertile Crescent The two main rivers of Iraq (Mesopotamia)

8 $300 Fertile Crescent Tigris and Euphrates

9 $400 Fertile Crescent Wearing away of soil by wind, water, air, or ?

10 $400 Fertile Crescent Erosion

11 $500 Fertile Crescent Loose soil carried by water

12 $500 Fertile Crescent Silt

13 $100 Sumer Around 3000 B.C. he ruled Sumer

14 $100 Sumer Aruk

15 $200 Sumer Made by scratching a sharp reed pen (stylus) into wet clay.

16 $200 Sumer Cuneiform

17 $300 Sumer Famous king of the city state of Kush

18 $300 Sumer Sargon

19 $400 Sumer Greatest sumerian legend about a 1/3 god hero.

20 $400 Sumer Gilgamesh

21 $500 Sumer Belief in many gods.

22 $500 Sumer Polytheism

23 $100 Babylon Large kingdom to the north of Babylon

24 $100 Babylon Assyria

25 $200 Babylon King of Babylon who united the kingdoms through his Code.

26 $200 Babylon Hammurabi

27 $300 Babylon Raised waterway used for irrigation.

28 $300 Babylon Aqueduct

29 $400 Babylon The two largest cities of Assyria

30 $400 Babylon Nineveh and Ashur

31 $500 Babylon The Assyrians were the first to use these two wheeled Horse drawn carts in war.

32 $500 Babylon Chariots

33 $100 Judaism Hebrew word for Kosher

34 $100 Judaism Kashrut

35 $200 Judaism Founder of the three monotheistic Religions and from UR.

36 $200 Judaism Abraham

37 $300 Judaism What is the Torah

38 $300 Judaism First five books of the bible

39 $400 Judaism How many commandments are there?

40 $400 Judaism 613

41 $500 Judaism The two kingdoms of Israel.

42 $500 Judaism Judah and Israel

43 $100 Potpourri The longest river in Africa

44 $100 Potpourri Nile

45 $200 Potpourri What is the name of the watery chaos from which life Came from according to the Egyptians

46 $200 Potpourri Nut

47 $300 Potpourri Two main languages of the Jewish People?

48 $300 Potpourri Hebrew and Yiddish

49 $400 Potpourri Where did Set sit at the beginning of time.

50 $400 Potpourri Bow of the boat

51 $500 Potpourri Scattering of Jews from their homeland.

52 $500 Potpourri Diaspora

53 Final Jeopardy Northern Egypt is called upper or lower Egypt?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Lower

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