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Yakov Guggenheim1 bs ” d " And all the nation saw the voices..." Exodus 20:15 Is it possible? A new Israeli letter processing patent based on ACOUSTICAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Yakov Guggenheim1 bs ” d " And all the nation saw the voices..." Exodus 20:15 Is it possible? A new Israeli letter processing patent based on ACOUSTICAL."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yakov Guggenheim1 bs ” d " And all the nation saw the voices..." Exodus 20:15 Is it possible? A new Israeli letter processing patent based on ACOUSTICAL IMAGING reveals from a scientific perspective a little bit of the greatness of the revelation at the giving of the Torah Rashi: “ they saw that which is heard ” Kli Yakar: the children of Israel “ saw the letters ” The holy speech was seen in the picture of the letters of the alef-bet.

3 Yakov Guggenheim2 ע The letter Ayin Our transformation The signal from the Microphone time t Hz. ע

4 Yakov Guggenheim3 פ the letter “ peh ” פ

5 Yakov Guggenheim4 ם  מ letter “ Mem ” ם

6 Yakov Guggenheim5 ב The letter “ beis ” ב

7 Yakov Guggenheim6 ז the letter “ zayin ” ז

8 Yakov Guggenheim7 gimel with Teimani pronunciation djimel ג ג

9 Yakov Guggenheim8 ט Letter “ tet ” ט

10 Yakov Guggenheim9 ש The letter “shin” ש

11 Yakov Guggenheim10 צ ץ the letter “ tzadi ” צ

12 Yakov Guggenheim11 נ Nun

13 Yakov Guggenheim12 ר Reish

14 Yakov Guggenheim13 כ Chaf כ

15 Yakov Guggenheim14 Chet

16 Yakov Guggenheim15 ס Samech

17 Yakov Guggenheim16 י Yud

18 Yakov Guggenheim17 ק Kuf

19 Yakov Guggenheim18 There is no “learning” for recognition here like in neural networks. A more technical document on the difficulties of the letter processing is found in “reukol22” (pdf or Word) The effect occurs only in Hebrew, the language of Creation (the world was created in the Holy language) The Torah was given in the Ashuri script How was the time-frequency plane known? See…

20 Yakov Guggenheim19 hearing  seeing 330 m/s 300.000 Km/s time place left brain right brain analysis generalization (mercy-beauty) (eternity-beauty) self-nullification grasp non-existence existence spirituality physicality thus this ח ת ח שמיעה ראיה

21 Yakov Guggenheim20 speech = revelation “and man became a living being” - a speaking spirit In the essence of his being man is a speaker “that all is according to his word” = “the word of Go-d” that maintains everything in existence The speaker creates: forms, letters, powers, kings The soul is filled with letters Speech = the revealed power of the soul Then I will turn unto the nations in a clear language to call them all in the name of the L-rd

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