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We’re glad you’re here! Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "We’re glad you’re here! Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 We’re glad you’re here! Welcome!

2 Don’t be afraid if: People smile at you (They’re just being friendly)

3 Don’t be afraid if: People introduce themselves (They just want to meet you)

4 Don’t be afraid if: People sit next to You (Some weeks it’s crowded for the 10:30 service)

5 Don’t be afraid if: People sing or clap (it’s for JESUS who you’ll hear about in a few minutes)

6 Don’t be afraid if: You have sudden feelings of belonging (maybe you do)

7 Don’t be afraid if: Kids run out of the church (they like KIDS CHURCH and can’t wait to get there)

8 enjoy :)

9 We’d like to know how we can better serve you!

10 Crosspoint Cafe Visit the café for “Free Coffee”

11 Connect through a Ministry Team Check “Ministry Volunteer” on your Communication Card

12 Nursery A room for nursing mothers is available Infant – 3 years

13 KIDS Church Children will be dismissed to kids church just before the message Age 4 – 5 th Grade

14 youth middle school: 6 th grade – 8 th grade high school: 9 th grade – 12 th grade Sunday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm cp


16 Connect through a small group Check the “small group” box on your communication card

17 Check out the “information board” in the hallway Questions?

18 Diamond Hill Neighborhood Center After-school reading program needs volunteer tutors. If you are interested in learning more, contact Mimi Nowlin at

19 Teaching Series: 10.23 – 12.11

20 Caring for the Elderly October 23 6 – 8 pm If you are attending circle the letter “E” on your communication card

21 November 6, 6-8 pm  Bring your favorite snack  Hear what God has done the first half  Hear what we are believing God for in the second half

22 Starting on November 6 th Three identical worship experiencesThree identical worship experiences 8:30am 10am 11:30am No children’s ministry at 8:30 amNo children’s ministry at 8:30 am

23 Mourning Brunch November 13November 13 12:30 PM12:30 PM A time of prayer and healing for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one this past year or anyone who struggles with a loss during the holiday seasonA time of prayer and healing for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one this past year or anyone who struggles with a loss during the holiday season

24 Crossp oint Venue Friday, November 11Friday, November 11 Doors open @ 5:30 pmDoors open @ 5:30 pm $12.00$12.00

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