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St Andrew’s High School St Andrew’s High School S4 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 26 th October, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "St Andrew’s High School St Andrew’s High School S4 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 26 th October, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Andrew’s High School St Andrew’s High School S4 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 26 th October, 2015

2 God our Father, We ask for your guidance and support for all who journey through St Andrew’s High School. Help us to make our school a place of wisdom and peace so that the light of Christ may shine forth from our school community to the world around us. May we follow in the footsteps of our patron Andrew who befriended Jesus and gave his life to the teaching of Your Word. Amen. School Prayer

3 S4 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 26 th October, 2015  Welcome & Opening Remarks on behalf of HT : Mr D Cluckie, DHT  Presentations: Assessment Overview – Mr P Elder, DHT (SQA Coordinator) Assessment Overview – Mr P Elder, DHT (SQA Coordinator) Good Habits and Expectations – Ms K Taggart, DHT ( Year Head, S4) Good Habits and Expectations – Ms K Taggart, DHT ( Year Head, S4) Skills Development Scotland (SDS) - Mrs S Thomas Skills Development Scotland (SDS) - Mrs S Thomas Parent Council – Mrs N Barlow & Mr B Cassidy (PT, RME) Parent Council – Mrs N Barlow & Mr B Cassidy (PT, RME)  Workshops: Various – Named Departments : Mr D Cluckie

4 National Courses & Qualifications  From August 2015 : presentation in 7 subjects  Two Levels : National 4 & National 5  National 4 : Series of Unit Assessments ( Pass / Fail only); no final exam in May. ( Pass / Fail only); no final exam in May.  National 5 : Unit Assessments (Pass / Fail) plus a final exam in May ( graded Band 1 to 9).  Both National 4 and National 5 courses include the National 4 Added Value Unit.

5 S4 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 26 th October, 2015 By Easter 2016, S4 will fall into in 3 categories  Those following all National 5 courses  Those following a combination of National 5 & National 4 courses  Those following all National 4 courses (small numbers)

6 Stay in touch !  Senior Phase Choices Information Evening Monday 29 th February 2016 Monday 29 th February 2016  School website  Twitter feeds @StAndrewsHS @StAndrewsHS

7 Mr Paul Elder SQA Assessment Overview

8 National Courses & Qualifications At the beginning of S4, all pupils are entered to the SQA for presentation at National 5 level in their subjects. Pupil performance in class, homework / study and in unit assessments will determine their final presentation level in April / May

9 National 3  Assessed through Unit assessments only.  Unit assessments are marked internally by the teacher (pass or fail)  Pupils need to pass all Units to achieve the qualification.  No final exam in May Potential Pathway : N3 in S4 to N4 in S5 Potential Pathway : N3 in S4 to N4 in S5

10 Assessment Summary National 4  Three units + Added Value Unit = Course Award 3 Unit Assessments ( Pass / Fail ). Marked by staff. 3 Unit Assessments ( Pass / Fail ). Marked by staff. No final exam in May. No final exam in May. National 4 courses contain an Added Value Unit. National 4 courses contain an Added Value Unit. (marked by staff) (marked by staff)

11 National 4  Ongoing Formative Assessment  Unit Assessments (Summative)  Unit Assessments Pass / Fail only  No final exam in May  Potential Pathway : N4 in S4 / N5 in S5 / Higher in S6

12 Assessment Summary National 5 Three Units + Course Assessment = Course Award Usually 3 Unit Assessments. (Pass / Fail.) Marked by staff. Coursework assessment = e.g. Portfolio + Final exam (Final exam graded Band 1 to 9). Both marked by SQA.

13 National 5 Grades Bands 1 & 2 = A pass Bands 1 & 2 = A pass Bands 3 & 4 = B pass Bands 3 & 4 = B pass Bands 5 & 6 = C pass Bands 5 & 6 = C pass Band 7 = D award Band 7 = D award Bands 8 & 9 = No Award Bands 8 & 9 = No Award (eligible for Recognising Positive Achievement.) (eligible for Recognising Positive Achievement.)

14 Assessment methods There are seven approved assessment methods that may be used for both Unit and Course assessment:   Assignment   Case study   Practical activity   Performance   Portfolio   Project   Question Paper / Tests

15 Learners who receive a 'Fail' or 'No Award' result at N5 Learners who receive a 'Fail' or 'No Award' result will still receive recognition for any Units they have passed within the Course. These Units will appear on the detailed Record of Attainment section of their Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC)

16 Recognising Positive Achievement  A candidate who receives a band 8 or 9 (No Award) in a National 5 Course assessment will be able to gain a National 4 Course, providing the following requirements are met: Pupil has passed all the internally-assessed Units at National 5 Pupil has passed all the internally-assessed Units at National 5 Pupil has passed the National 4 Added Value Unit / N5 Course assignment Pupil has passed the National 4 Added Value Unit / N5 Course assignment The candidate has passed a Literacy/Numeracy Unit at National 4 or National 5 — this is an additional condition that applies to English and Mathematics The candidate has passed a Literacy/Numeracy Unit at National 4 or National 5 — this is an additional condition that applies to English and Mathematics

17 Further Information   ‘Nationals in a Nutshell’ ‘Nationals in a Nutshell’  

18 Ms Katie Taggart Good Habits and Expectations

19 Our Expectations  Good Timekeeping & High levels of Attendance  Good Planning of Assessments & Re-assessments  Pupil Resilience & Perseverance  High Parental Expectations of child’s performance

20 Expectations : Target Setting & Tracking / Monitoring  All pupils agree a Negotiated Target in each subject at the start of S4 the start of S4  All pupils are capable of sustaining good progress throughout S4, shown by their Working Grade  By the end of S4, most Pupils should achieve their original negotiated target as their final SQA Award

21  S4 Monitoring and Tracking Interviews Setting SMART Targets(Small, measurable, achievable, realistic, timescale)  Spring 2016 pupils will undertake 7 National Qualifications  30 Weeks until SQA Examinations. Maintaining A positive attitude is key to achievement. “I CAN DO”….


23 Pupil Voice

24 Mrs S Thomas  Skills Development Scotland

25 Shona Thomas Careers Adviser St Andrew’s High School Options after S4 Stay on for S5 College (NC/NQ) Modern Apprenticeship Activity Agreement Employability Fund

26 Parent Council  Mrs N Barlow  Mr B Cassidy

27 St Andrew’s High School Parent Council YOUR PARENT COUNCIL NEEDS YOU!

28 Parent Forum v Parent Council

29  Time commitment  Too ‘teachery’ and formal  Helped out at primary school  It’s a closed shop THE MYTHS

30 The Positives  Opportunity to have your voice heard  The more you know the more you can support your child  Build relationships and a community  Involved in fundraising and social events

31 FINALLY… A decent cup of coffee and a chocolate biscuit!

32 NEXT MEETING Monday 2 nd November 2015 at 7:00pm You will be made most welcome!

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