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Unit 1, Lesson 1- Identifying Minerals and Crystals! (K12 notes)

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1 Unit 1, Lesson 1- Identifying Minerals and Crystals! (K12 notes)
Rocks contain many natural resources like oil, coal, iron, and salt Almost all of rocks are made of minerals Minerals have 3 specific traits- Naturally Occuring- not made by humans; found in nature Inorganic- not made by living things; could be made by things once living Solid- not a liquid or a gas

2 -Most minerals are made of silicon and oxygen Silicate-any of a group of common minerals, such as quartz or feldspar, that make up 90 percent of the earth´s crust -There are more than 4,000 minerals on Earth! What?!!!

3 Crystalline Structure- the arrangement of atoms and molecules
Color- this is obvious! LOL. Streak- a line of colored powder that is left when a mineral rubs across a porcelain tile Luster- the amount of light that reflects off a mineral Cleavage- how the mineral splits apart Fracture- how a mineral breaks Hardness- the ability of a mineral to resist being scratched Chemical Properties- the chemical makeup of a mineral Minerals do not come with name tags! Scientists have to make a number of observations to figure out what minerals they find!

4 Before doing Mineral Identification Lab- check these out!
A Brief Introduction to Minerals video v=8a7p1NFn64s A Fun Mineral Song! ?v=-F0IA21bgmM

5 Unit 2-Lesson 2-LAB-Mineral Identification
You will use what you learned to identify 6 mineral samples You identify one mineral by watching a video, then you identify the other 5 on your own! Gather all your materials before you begin- and watch all the videos- they are very helpful! Take notes to keep in your Science notebook! Keep your lab data sheet in your notebook!

6 Unit 2-Lesson 3 (K12 notes) Igneous Rocks!
Igneous means “formed by fire” Igneous rocks form in volcanoes where magma pushes through the Earth’s crust When magma reaches the Earth’s surface, it is called lava As magma and lava cool down, Igneous rocks are formed They form either above or below the earth’s surface Intrusive Igneous rocks cool slowly underground and are coarse-grained (have large mineral crystals) Extrusive Igneous rocks form outside the surface and cool quickly. They are fine-grained (fine, smooth texture)

7 Unit 2-Lesson 4 (K12 notes) Sedimentary Rocks!
-Rocks that are formed when sediments are compressed and squeezed together -Most rocks we see above ground are sedimentary -Compaction- process of sediments squeezing together -Cementation- process of sediments sticking together Examples- Conglomerate- course-grained rock made of small pebbles Shale-forms when tiny particles of clay are placed under great pressure Sandstone- porous rock that holds deposits of oil or water

8 Limestone -Chemical sedimentary rock formed from chemicals dissolved in water -Can also form when shells or skeletons of clams, coral, and other ocean life form layers of sediment on the ocean bottom and are compressed. -Used as a building stone and in cement- very common

9 Unit 2-Lesson 5 (K12 notes) Metamorphic Rocks!
rock that has undergone change, caused by intense heat and pressure, from an earlier form, without melting is metamorphic metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone, used especially in architecture and sculpture is marble Any igneous or sedimentary rock may be transformed into metamorphic rocks by intense heat and pressure Non-foliated-metamorphic rock that does not separate into layers when broken (gneiss, schist) Foliated-metamorphic rock that separates into layers when broken (quartzite, marble)


11 More Resources about Rocks!
User name- LVS Password- LVS Click on Earth Science A Song about Rocks v=jPgE74Vltdc Bill Nye video-Rocks and Soil v=iERstXaTIq8 “We Will Rock You” song about the Rock Cycle! v=r68iEwYdbh4

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