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 Make your 8 flash cards for the vocabulary words  Get ready for notes  Test Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: " Make your 8 flash cards for the vocabulary words  Get ready for notes  Test Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1  Make your 8 flash cards for the vocabulary words  Get ready for notes  Test Thursday


3  A type of government where a group of states or small political units give certain power and authority to a central government.  The US is a federal government. The federal gov’t has power on issues of national defense, immigration, air travel and national parks

4  Gross Domestic Product of a country is the total market value of the goods and service produced by that country in a specific year.  The GDP is used to determine the strength of countries’ economies and to compare them

5  Government is the person or group of people who make rules and laws, enforce rules and laws and decide if rules and laws have been broken.  They help protect the rights and property of individuals.

6  A guerrilla is a member of a small group of soldiers that attaches suddenly and disappears into hiding.  Guerillas are often armed civilians fighting against a powerful army

7  An act of mass destruction and loss of life.  The most well know Holocaust refers to the mass murder of more than six million Jews in Germany.

8  Human Characteristics of land are changes to the land that were made by people.  Physical characteristics are natural features of land. Human Characteristics are man-made features of land  Examples: ◦ Dams ◦ Bridges ◦ canals

9  Human Resources are people working to produce goods and services  Postal clerks working together to deliver the mail and chefs working to make a dinner are examples  Human resources are people: factory workers, teachers  Natural Resources come from nature: coal, lumber  Capital resources are man-made: factories, machinery

10  A person devoted to being kind to others and helping them when they are suffering.  Humanitarians work for the human rights of others. They have made important changes in how people are treated around the world.

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