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Members: 05BE2 张丽丽,刘瑶玲,郭春玲,徐晶晶. Introduction China Construction Bank was incorporated in China in 1954. It is a state owned bank operating in a commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "Members: 05BE2 张丽丽,刘瑶玲,郭春玲,徐晶晶. Introduction China Construction Bank was incorporated in China in 1954. It is a state owned bank operating in a commercial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Members: 05BE2 张丽丽,刘瑶玲,郭春玲,徐晶晶


3 Introduction China Construction Bank was incorporated in China in 1954. It is a state owned bank operating in a commercial capacity. It is in key market segments in corporate banking, personal banking and treasury operations.

4 D eposit services C redit card services E xchange foreign currency S ecurities agent P ersonal loan S mall enterprises loan …

5  Open a saving deposits bankbook.  Deposit your RMB and foreign currency  Record the usage of your funds with the bankbook  Demand deposits bankbook & term deposits bankbook.

6 Convert the foreign currency into other foreign currencies. The RMB at the exchange rates set by the People’s Bank of China at a CCB foreign currency counter.

7 Personal Loans  Personal Housing Loans ersonal purchase credit Personal auto loans ersonal operation loans Personal business loans

8 Housing Loan Application Process: (1) File an application (2) Sign a contract (3) Open an account (4) Disburse the loan (5) Make timely payment (6) Loan settlement

9 Auto Loans Application : ξBξB orrower submits application documents. ξBξB ranch check credit rating, conduct assessment. ξBξB ranch will examine the qualified applications ξIξI f passing, completing contract signing, loans payment, mortgage or pledge. ξDξD isburse loans.

10  Fill out application form & submit required documents.  Customer manager has on-site examination.  Branch processes paper work & transfers funds.  Borrower makes timely repayment over the counter.  After paying off, get the pledge or mortgage back.

11 Small & Medium- sized Enterprises

12 ¶A¶Application( 受理 ) ¶C¶Credit rating (评级受信) ¶ U¶ Use of credit ( 额度支用 ) ¶G¶Granting loans ( 贷款发放 ) ¶R¶Repayment ( 还款 )

13 Bye bye !!

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