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Oracle 9i. Agenda Start and exit SQL Plus (General) Start and exit SQL Plus (Tah 1006) Syntax Create a new user Create a new table Enter data into a new.

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Presentation on theme: "Oracle 9i. Agenda Start and exit SQL Plus (General) Start and exit SQL Plus (Tah 1006) Syntax Create a new user Create a new table Enter data into a new."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oracle 9i

2 Agenda Start and exit SQL Plus (General) Start and exit SQL Plus (Tah 1006) Syntax Create a new user Create a new table Enter data into a new table Export & import data

3 Start and Exit SQL Plus Start SQL Plus –Start –Select Program –Select Oracle-ORACLE_9i –Select Application Development –Select SQL Plus –Enter your name for User Name (system) –Enter Enter your password for Password (manager) Exit SQL Plus –Type exit at SQL prompt

4 Start and Exit SQL Plus (Tah 1006) Start Database –Start the computer –Wait for couple minutes –Select Oracle-XP-SP1 –Press Enter for password (no password is needed) –Double clicks the SQL Plus icon –Enter your name for User Name (system) –Enter your password for Password (manager) Exit SQL Plus –Type exit at SQL prompt –Close the database window

5 Syntax - General Use semicolon (;) to terminate a statement SQL is not case-sensitive SQL statement can be entered into several lines Use comma (,) to separate attributes Use a pair of single quotes (‘) for any character string Use a pair of double quotes (“”) for a single (‘) character string

6 Syntax - General Use percentage sign (%) for a group of wildcard characters Use underscore (_) for one wildcard character Escape character –Select…from….where city like ‘%s/_f%’ escape ‘/’; –Underscore _ after / will be interpreted as a regular meaning underscore Subquery must be enclosed in a pair of parentheses

7 Syntax - Name Table name or attribute name limited to 30 characters (characters, number, special symbols $, _, and #) Name has to begin with a character No blank Not case sensitive No reserved word

8 Syntax - Data Types Characters –Varchar2(n): max 4,000 characters (ASCII, 8-digit) –Char(n): max 2,000 characters (ASCII, 8-digit) –Nvarchar2(n): as char (Unicode, 16-digit) –Nchar(n): as char (Unicode, 16-digit) Numbers –Integer: number(n) –Fixed-point: number(5,2), 999.99 –Floating-point: number

9 Syntax - Data Types Date –Date:DD-MMM-YY HH:MI:SS –Timestamp (fractional seconds precision) with 6 as default value Large object (LOB): max 4 gigabytes for digitized sounds, images, and binary files

10 Syntax - Editor L or LIST - displays most current SQL statements from buffer Line number - changes the current line number to the entered line number and shows the listed line number LIST line number or nn nn - show the indicated line number text or between the nn and nn

11 Syntax - Editor A or APPEND text - adds the entered text to the end of the current line I or INPUT text – create a new line after the current line C or CHANG/old text/new text/ - replaces an existing text string (old text) in the line with a new text string (new text) DEL or DELETE - deletes the current line START filename – execute the contents of the SQL Plus command file

12 Syntax - Editor SAVE file name - saves the most current SQL statements to a file (filename.sql) GET file name - retrieves SQL statements from the file name (filename.sql) R or / - runs the most current statements SPOOL file name - saves SQL statements, its query, and other results to a file SPOOL OFF - terminates SPOOL

13 Spool File - Menu SPOOL file –Select File –Select Spool –Select Spool file –Type drive (such as a:) –Type file name (such as f1) –Select spool file (*.lst) SPOOL off –File –Spool –Spool off

14 Save File Menu Select File Select Save –Select Create to create a *.sql file –Select Replace to replace a *.sql file –Select Append to append a *.sql file


16 Oracle Constraint Type Identifier Primary key: p Foreign key: r Check condition: c Not null: n Unique: u

17 Error Message Type for the Internet address Click ‘Search’ Check ‘Oracle Technology Network Documentation’ box Type ‘ORA-error messages’ in the search field Click ‘Search icon’

18 Create A New Table CREATE TABLE student (stuid char(5) NOT NULL, stuname char(10), major char(10), credit number(3), CONSTRAINT pkstudent PRIMARY KEY (stuid));

19 Create A New Table CREATE TABLE faculty (facid char(5) NOT NULL, facname char(10), dept char(10), rank char(10) check (rank in (‘F’,’Aso’, ‘Ast’)), CONSTRAINT pkfaculty PRIMARY KEY (facid));

20 Create A New Table CREATE TABLE class (course# char(5) NOT NULL, facid char(5), sched char(10), room char(10), CONSTRAINT pkclass PRIMARY KEY (course#), CONSTRAINT fkclassfaculty FOREIGN KEY (facid) REFERENCES faculty (facid));

21 Create A New Table CREATE TABLE enrollment (course# char(5) NOT NULL, stuid char(5) NOT NULL, grade char(10), CONSTRAINT pkenroll PRIMARY KEY (course#, stuid), CONSTRAINT fkenrollclass FOREIGN KEY (course#) REFERENCES class (course#), CONSTRAINT fkenrollstudent FOREIGN KEY (stuid) REFERENCES student (stuid));

22 Delete A Record or A Table DELETE FROM tablename –DELETE FROM student; DROP TABLE tablename –DROP TABLE student;

23 Create A New User CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password –CREATE USER tsai IDENTIFIED BY tsai GRANT privilege1, privilege2,…TO username or role name –GRANT CREATE USER, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE TO tsai; (current user’s schema – user level) GRANT role name TO username –GRANT DBA TO tsai; (any user’s schema –DBA level)

24 Delete An User REVOKE privilege FROM role name –REVOKE CREATE USER form tsai; REVOKE role name FROM username –REVOKE DBA from tsai; DROP USER username –DROP USER tsai;

25 Input Data Into A Table The ampersand (&) signal the SQL compiler to prompt the user for a value that is then substituted into the query &prompt_variable is the name of the attribute for which the user is prompted to specify a value Example INSERT INTO student VALUES (&stuid, &stuname, &major, &credit);

26 Load Data Into A Table Tsaitest.dat file contains 11111,Ching,MIS,100 22222,Anderson,MIS,200 33333,Martin,ACT,300 Tsaitest.ctl contains –LOAD DATA –INFILE ‘tsaitest.dat’ –APPEND –INTO TABLE student –FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ –(stuid, stuname, major, credit) The following command should be issued in command line –SQLLDR USERID=tsai/tsai CONTROL= tsaitest.ctl LOG=tsaitest.LOG Tsaitest.dat, tsaitest.ctl, and tsaitest.log have to be in the same directory such as C:

27 Export Data Program MS-DOS Prompt Type exp user name/password (such as exp nancy/nancy) Specify export file (such as a:extf1.dmp where a: is the drive) Answer the questions to execute the expert program

28 Import Data Program MS-DOS Prompt Type imp user name/password (such as imp nancy/nancy) Specify Import file name (such as a:extf1.dmp) Answer the questions to execute the import program

29 Process for Oracle Homework Use notepad to prepare the sql codes for creating tables, data, problems, and control files Save each control file in an individual file with the ctl as file extension Save each table data in an individual file with the dat as the file extension Use copy and paste to move the sql codes of create table from notepad to oracle then press / to run Copy every data file and control file in the root of C drive

30 Process for Oracle Homework Type sqlldr statement at C:> to load the data into each table (one at the time) Use copy and paste to move the sql codes of problem from notepad to oracle then press / to run Use save command to store the sql solution for each problem Use spool to put every problem together Use get command to get the saved solution of each problem and press / to run Use spool off to turn off the spooling Use Word to add the question before each solution and print the saved spool file

31 Process for Oracle Homework Use Imp and exp to import and export records and tables between each work session

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