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186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus Computergraphik WS 2008 Organizers: Muddassir Malik, Erald Vuçini Teaching staff: Peter Rautek,

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Presentation on theme: "186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus Computergraphik WS 2008 Organizers: Muddassir Malik, Erald Vuçini Teaching staff: Peter Rautek,"— Presentation transcript:

1 186.162 Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) 186.175 Seminar aus Computergraphik WS 2008 Organizers: Muddassir Malik, Erald Vuçini Teaching staff: Peter Rautek, Peter Kohlman, Martin Haidacher, Stefan Bruckner, Maurice Termeer, Raphael Fuchs Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Vienna University of Technology

2 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 1 Seminar Mission statement "Write a scientific state of the art report" Tasks Literature list Written report GMA lecture of Prof. Werner Purgathofer Talk Active discussion participation

3 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 2 Written Reports 8 (186.175) or 15 (186.162) pages per student Preferably in English Format reports in the style of a scientific paper Use LaTeX Some reports from the previous year available Students can work in groups of two

4 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 3 Talk Use Institute’s PowerPoint template for presentations 20 + 5 minutes talk In English Active discussion participation is mandatory and will be graded

5 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 4 Important Dates List of literature due on: 27 th March, 2008 GMA lecture on: 21 st April, 2008 from 14:00 to 15:30 in EI3 Written reports due on: 22 rd May, 2008 Presentations on: 5 th June, 2008 from 9:00 to 18:00(?) in the Seminar room of ICGA

6 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 5 Topics Modern Image Space Techniques Modern Object Space Techniques LOD: Progressive Meshes Visual Attention in Computer Games Segmentation of Point Clouds Color Adjustments of Image Series Spherical Harmonics Instant Radiosity for Real-Time Global Illumination Production Soft Shadow Techniques Bidirectional Texture Functions High Dynamic Range Displays

7 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 6 Modern Image Space Techniques Algorithms that work in this space Shadow mapping, ambient occlusion...

8 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 7 Modern Object Space Techniques Exploit geometrical properties of objects

9 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 8 LOD: Progressive Meshes Vertex split, edge collaps

10 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 9 Visual Attention in Computer Games Eyetracking experiments with games Saliency Maps

11 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 10 Segmentation of Point Clouds Partition a point cloud into distinct objects

12 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 11 Color Adjustments of Image Series Combining images with different exposures or lightings

13 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 12 Spherical Harmonics Calculate lighting from area light sources in real time

14 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 13 Instant Radiosity For real-time global illumination

15 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 14 Production Soft Shadow Techniques Soft Shadows in animated movies

16 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 15 Bidirectional Texture Functions Describing materials with pictures instead of mathematical functions

17 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 16 High Dynamic Range Displays Displays for showing HDR pictures without need for tone mapping

18 A very short introduction to LaTeX LaTeX Muhammad Muddassir Malik 17

19 A very short introduction to LaTeX „Programming“ a text document Similarities to HTML No WYSIWYG Most convenient to use a LaTeX distribution and a LaTeX IDE (integrated development environment) Muhammad Muddassir Malik 18

20 A very short introduction to LaTeX First install a LaTeX Distribution MiKTeX Then a LaTeX IDE TeXnicCenter Texmaker LEd Muhammad Muddassir Malik 19

21 A very short introduction to LaTeX MiKTeX "Basic MiKTeX" Installer Adds the MiKTeX \bin directory to the PATH Muhammad Muddassir Malik 20

22 A very short introduction to LaTeX Extract the archive Open a command line window Go to the directory where template.tex is On command line type: epstopdf sample.eps In LaTeX IDE open template.tex Change all sample.eps to sample.pdf Produce PDF document In TeXnicCenter open template.tex Select LaTeX=>PS output profile Produce a PS document Convert PS to PDF using Adobe Distiller Muhammad Muddassir Malik 21

23 A very short introduction to LaTeX Work with 2 files: A.tex file for the text A.bib file for the bibliography which is used by the citations command \cite Muhammad Muddassir Malik 22

24 Muhammad Muddassir Malik 23 Seminar Questions?

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