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Digital Interests Larry Dailey Joseph DeLappe Sushil J. Louis Media Art Computer Science and Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Interests Larry Dailey Joseph DeLappe Sushil J. Louis Media Art Computer Science and Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Interests Larry Dailey Joseph DeLappe Sushil J. Louis Media Art Computer Science and Engineering

2 Ph.d. in 1993 from Indiana University Area of research: Artificial Intelligence: Genetic Algorithms evolve smart agents

3 Artificial Intelligence in Games

4 ProgramsPrograms ART 345 ART 350 ART 441 JOUR 451 ENG 205 ENG 252 MUS 233 MUS 204 ELECTIVES

5 PROGRAMS – New Courses

6 CSE courses CS 135 – Intro to CS (no prior programming)‏ CS 281 – Intro to Game Development (no prior programming required)‏ CS 381 – Game Development Pipeline CS/CPE 481 – Advanced Game Dev CS 480 – Graphics CS 482 – Artificial Intelligence CS 483 – Advanced AI (in games)‏ Interdisciplinary Major will require courses from Art, Journalism, Music, Theatre, or others.

7 Entrepreneurship

8 DEMOS SNAKES - CS 135 – first course in CS SHMUPS – 2D graphics and sound (and AI)‏ LAGOONCRAFT – 3D Real-time Strategy

9 Teaching – Student projects


11 Contact information Computer Science and Engineering, UNR This presentation: Oct 17, 2008 –

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