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Kente The Cloth of Kings. Kente – The Cloth of Kings Special Cloth Hand dyed Hand woven and spun Worn on special events Celebration as well as ceremony.

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Presentation on theme: "Kente The Cloth of Kings. Kente – The Cloth of Kings Special Cloth Hand dyed Hand woven and spun Worn on special events Celebration as well as ceremony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kente The Cloth of Kings

2 Kente – The Cloth of Kings Special Cloth Hand dyed Hand woven and spun Worn on special events Celebration as well as ceremony or death Worn by those with wisdom and people who share knowledge – elders, rulers, leaders

3 Traditional Kente Blue – peace, togetherness, love and harmony Black – maturity, spiritual energy, mourning, funeral and passing rites Gold – high worth, richness, fertility, royalty, prosperity, monetary wealth Green – land, crops, vegetation, harvest, growth, spiritual growth and renewal Yellow – high worth, richness, fertility, royalty, prosperity, monetary wealth Grey – Healing rituals; cleansing rituals; symbolizes ash Pink – feminine; mildness and feminine qualities White – pureness, cleansing rites and festivals Maroon – mother earth and healing Red – death; funerals; mourning Purple – feminine; worn by girls and women Silver – peace and joy; referencing to the moon

4 Patterns

5 Kente – Cloth

6 Kente – Modern Uses

7 HRSB Kente Students from the African Diaspora graduating from HRSB schools are invited to wear the Kente The Colours - Knowledge, leadership, hope and prosperity The Pattern – The Sunrise – Leading us to a new day

8 Create your own! We will hang them and show our ACS 11 Kente Colours!

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