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Learning from purple photosynthetic bacteria – how to use solar energy to make fuels. London May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning from purple photosynthetic bacteria – how to use solar energy to make fuels. London May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning from purple photosynthetic bacteria – how to use solar energy to make fuels. London May 2010

2 Global Energy Consumption, 2001 GasHydro Renew Total: 13.2 TW

3 The essence of photosynthesis




7 Q A Q B System of pigments in RC Photosynthetic system of purple bacteria in the intracytoplasmic membrane Fe

8 LH2 complex from Rps. acidophila

9 Pigment organisation in LH2

10 Artificial mimic of LH2

11 The structure of the RC from Rb. sphaeroides

12 Artificial RC triad

13 LH2 APS Cover glass 25  m 40μm LH2 25  m Various patterns can be formed with controlled UV-irradiation. fluorescence intensity profile Confirmation of dot patterning of LH2 complex Confirmed the formation 25μm dot patterns of LH2 on glass substrate.

14 This research has been funded by BBSRC EPSRC DOE HFSP EU

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