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LE1-C5S4T5pg295-298 The Marines Hymn. Purpose This lesson introduces you to the history and traditions that they Marines’ Hymn is based upon.

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Presentation on theme: "LE1-C5S4T5pg295-298 The Marines Hymn. Purpose This lesson introduces you to the history and traditions that they Marines’ Hymn is based upon."— Presentation transcript:

1 LE1-C5S4T5pg295-298 The Marines Hymn

2 Purpose This lesson introduces you to the history and traditions that they Marines’ Hymn is based upon.

3 1. Explain the historical significance of the Marines’ Hymn. 2. Recite and sing the words of the Marines’ Hymn.

4 CPS Key Word Questions (1-4)

5  Hymn  Bandmaster  Lancer  Mounted Troops _____ – a song of praise to somebody or something or to a god. __________ - a conductor/leader of a musical band. ______ – historical soldier of a cavalry regiment armed with lances. ______________ - soldiers or Marines who are on horseback.

6 CPS Lesson Questions (1-2)

7 How much do you know about the Marines’ Hymn? A.Expert – I know the history, and can sing all the words. B.Advanced – I can sing the words, but don’t know the history. C.Basic – I know most of the words. D.Novice – I have not hear the Marines’ Hymn before.

8 True or False: The “halls of Montezuma” are in Mexico. A.True B.False

9 Write out 2-3 lines of the Marines’ Hymn that you know. Sing the melody if you can. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)

10  In 1805, a small force of Marines stormed the Barbary pirates’ stronghold at Derna on the “shores of Tripoli.”  During the Mexican War of 1947, Marines captured the Castle of Chapultepec, otherwise known as the “Halls of Montezuma.”  Around 1849, an unknown Marine combined the phrases to, “From the Halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli.”

11  John Philip Souza (1852-1932) was appointed as leader of the Marine Corps band in 1880. He raised the level of performance to a higher standard.  Souza, and many music scholars, believed that the melody was taken from the opera “Genevieve de Brabant.”

12 From the Halls of Montezuma, To the shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea; First to fight for right and freedom, And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title, Of United States Marine. Click here to start audio

13 Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place; Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job The United States Marines.

14 Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life; And never lost our nerve If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven’s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded; By United States Marines.

15 Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life; And never lost our nerve If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven’s scenes; They will find the streets are guarded; By United States Marines.

16 CPS Lesson Question (3-4)

17 This is the second stanza of the Marines’ Hymn. What word is incorrect?’s B.fights D.sea We fight our country’s fights; On the land as on the sea

18 True or False: No one knows exactly who wrote the words of the Marines’ Hymn. A.True B.False

19 List 2-3 things that you learned about the Marines’ Hymn that you did not already know. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)


21 Images in this lesson were taken from:  Microsoft © Clip Art Gallery  Marine Corps Combat Camera LE1-C3S2T8

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