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Theme: Endangered Animals UARIUS UARIUM.   Total area of the venue’s floor: 39,760.78 ft 2  Total surface area of the tanks: 32,256.22 ft 2  Total.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme: Endangered Animals UARIUS UARIUM.   Total area of the venue’s floor: 39,760.78 ft 2  Total surface area of the tanks: 32,256.22 ft 2  Total."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme: Endangered Animals UARIUS UARIUM



4  Total area of the venue’s floor: 39,760.78 ft 2  Total surface area of the tanks: 32,256.22 ft 2  Total volume of the tanks: 1,665,498.58 US gallons = 222,659.48 ft 3  Numbers of fish: 2,500 small fish, 30 dolphins, 2 tunas, 3 narwhals, 4 turtles, 12 penguins

5  (half-cylinders)  Diameters: 30 ft, 22.5 ft, 15 ft  Height: 30 ft  Base Area = 407.81 ft 2  Surface Area = 3,405.86 ft 2  Volume = 19,217.11 ft 3 = 144,152.40 US gallons  This tank will hold approximately 2,500 fish that are 6 inches long, giving them each a living area of about 2 ft x 2ft x 2ft.

6  Sphere diameters: inner = 20 ft, outer = 30 ft.  Base Area = 2,827.43 ft 2 (all four spheres combined)  Surface Area (of inner spheres): 11,309.73 ft 2  Volume (of inner spheres): 56,548.67 ft 3  Each of the four spheres will hold one leatherback turtle, giving the 8 ft creatures a 24 foot cube for space.

7  I don’t know, you decide.

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