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Water Safety plans Workshop on the Drinking Water Directive, Milan Oct. 7, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Safety plans Workshop on the Drinking Water Directive, Milan Oct. 7, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Safety plans Workshop on the Drinking Water Directive, Milan Oct. 7, 2015

2 Making a long story short 2

3 Key messages  WSP step from ●the plan-do-act-check scheme which made its way into daily practicies ●the risk analysis approaches which spread rapidely during the mid-80’s in both industry & finance ●The dominant idea is that water quality too must be subject to contigency plans  Tribute to vision of A. Havelaar, 1994  WSP made its way ●Legal requirement in many Anglosaxon countries ●Current practice in consequence of ISO 9,000 series ●No reason for water to lag behind the food industry 3

4 Global picture approach 4 Source River Lake/Reservoir Groundwater DW Treatment Plant Storage WW Treatment Plant Repository River Lake/Reservoir Aquifer Customers Riparian activities DW Treatment Plant WW Treatment Plant

5 Key messages  Multi-interfaced system ●‘smaller’ urban water cycle integrated in the ‘bigger’ water cycle with effective interactions at all levels  Dual nature of water safety plans: ●A integral part of the wider governance arrangements, or due-diligence owed to regulators, citizen & other stakeholders ●A management –and communication- tool in hands of operators 5

6 Main issues  Authorities to set the scene ●Common vocabulary & approach with stakeholders ●Shared vision of acceptable residual risk ●Responsibilities ●Mutual understanding on efficiency of control measures (treatment, …)  What is a “good” WSP? ●Structure indicators ●Process indicators ●Outcome indicators  Utilities & operators ●Utmost importance of pre-existing culture of quality management systems ●Operators & staff care for water quality (don’t miss the right target)  Water Supply chain ends: ●Status of basin management ●Housing/building risk management willingness

7 Key messages  No doubt WSP must be included in the revision of the DWD ●Vocabulary critical ●Respect of national practices  What is a «good » WSP? ●Of course outcomes are the ultimate judge ●Balance between subsidiarity and precision of expectations ●Efficiency of the system at stake – easily bureaucratic 7

8 Rue du Luxembourg 47-51, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel : +32 (0)2 706 40 80 Fax : +32 (0) 2 706 40 81 BE 0416.415.347 Thank you for your attention! EurEau. Water matters.

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