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Protocol design for All-IP Computer Framework Kouji Okada Keio University

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1 Protocol design for All-IP Computer Framework Kouji Okada Keio University

2 Introduction Unwired networks release the user computer environments from the restriction of the “location” Always-on wireless connection Selectable wireless connectivity according to application characteristics Even with the unwired networks, users’ application environments are still complicated. Application specs are restricted by user terminals Users have to construct several application environment for each user terminals

3 Research Objectives Human Centric Computer Network Unbundle users from the restriction of “terminals” Independent of both of the “location” and the “terminals”, users continue to use same application environments. According to users’ application usage scenes, computer systems are re-configured dynamically All-IP Computer Architecture Replace the computer buses with IP networks Virtual computers which consists of IP networking computer devices Flexible computer environment re-configuration utilizing computing resources on the global IP network

4 IP Networks IP Networks CPUMemory DisplayKeyboardMouse Input/Output devices Host OS HDD Home Network Visiting Network Computing Resource Network All-IP Computer Architecture Home Rendezvous Manager (Home RM) Local Rendezvous Manager (Home RM)

5 Rendezvous Manager (RM) The device management server for each local networks Functionarities Device list management Resource allocation Types of RMs Local RM The RM located on the user’s current network Responsible for All-IP computers construction I/O devices, host computer Home RM The RM located on the user’s home HDD Remote RM The RM located on the user’s previous network (migration)

6 Host OS Device Device Driver IP Networks Operating System (OS) Device Device Driver Computer device analysis Host Computer Device Control OS Existing Computer ArchitectureAll-IP Computer Architecture Device dependant data/control messages over IP networks

7 Wire Protocols over IP iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) RFC 3720, RFC 3783 The protocols to handle SCSI command set on the TCP/IP protocol stack USB/IP Protocol Functionarities Deliver the USB data encapsulated as TCP segments on IP networks USB/IP server  The computer to which USB devices are connected USB/IP client  The computer on which USB devices connected to USB/IP servers are utilized Related internet-draft draft-muda-iusb-ps-00

8 All-IP computer scenario - Initialization - A user brings a small computer device called “user tag” The user tag contains the authentication information and device configurations When the user arrives at a new network, the user attaches the user tag to the visitinig network to request for a new All-IP computer The local RM search for free computer devices on its device lists and update the device status host computer, I/O devices, HDD The local RM triggers the interconnections between the host OS and computer devices The user tag displays the location of I/O devices of the All-IP computer to the user according to the location information got from the local RM

9 User Tag Local RMHome RMHost OS RM Discovery RM Discovery Reply Resource Request Authentication Request Authentication Reply Device Request Device Assignment Device List Notification Device List Acknowledgement Device Confirmation (Device Error) Resource Reply The All-IP Computer Initialization

10 Evaluation Objectives To understand allowable network delay for IP networked computer devices Evaluation Environment 3 nodes on the testbed network USB/IP server, USB/IP client, Dummynet bridge Evaluation overview We Evaluated the time gaps between “pressed” and “released” keyboards events on the USB/IP client PC Dummynet bridge creates network delay arbitrary by 10 milliseconds. USB/IP server (Device) USB/IP client (Host Computer) Dummynet Bridge

11 Evaluation results The gaps were increased according to the network delay → The network delay is beyond the USB’s assumed latency The Keyboard events began to be lost Dummynet Delay (msec) RTT (msec)

12 Conclusion All-IP based computer architecture design We defined a new computer architecture called “All-IP computer architecture” Protocol design for dynamic All-IP computer configuration Evaluation of devices interconnection protocols We evaluated a networked IP device requirement utilizing USB/IP keyboard.

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