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Student Congress/ Congressional Debate

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1 Student Congress/ Congressional Debate

2 What’s the purpose? Student Congress functions in a similar way to the United State’s Congress. Students form the Congress (often divided into a House and a Senate). Students debate a docket (a packet of bills and resolutions). Students vote whether or not to pass each bill or resolution, based on the debates they have heard.

3 Parts of the Session: Presiding Officer (PO) – Keeps track of precedence, calls for motions, keeps the congress on track, basically runs the session Representatives – Members of the congress who make motions, give speeches, and vote on bills/resolutions Parliamentarian – Makes sure that all rules are being followed for the congress session

4 What is a bill? Says that there is a problem
A Bill to Open Free Trade with Cuba BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. Free-trade with Cuba has the potential to earn the United States billions of dollars. Currently Cuba is trading with other nations. But, the US would seem the most logical trading partner in many circumstances, because of our close location, being 90 miles away. SECTION 2. Opening trade with Cuba also has the potential to Introduce democracy in a socialist country. SECTION 3. The United States Department of State will be overseeing this bill as well as The Office of Cuban Affairs. The Senate cited facts such as that Cuba's oil production has increased by over 400% in only ten years. The Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) has donated much money to campaigns, and with this, they will continue to donate money. SECTION 4. This bill will take effect in the fiscal year of 2014 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Says that there is a problem Presents steps to solve the problem Formatted using Sections to outline what will be done Cannot be changed

5 What is a resolution? Says that there is a problem
A Resolution to Implement the National Instant Criminal Background Check System WHEREAS, Mass shootings have recently affected Aurora, Newtown, and Tucson. WHEREAS, Over 11,000 Americans are killed by gun violence each year. WHEREAS, Universal back ground checks would ensure public safety as it would prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands, and prevent horrific acts of violence, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled recommend that The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, created by the Brady Act, be implemented. Says that there is a problem Suggests that discussion begins on the problem Offers a possible solution to the problem Can be amended (changed to fit the needs of the resolution) Formatted with Whereas and Resolved clauses

6 How it works: PO calls the session to order and asks for motions
After motions are made and voted on, the docket is opened A speech in affirmation (for it) of the first bill/resolution is given (maximum 3 minutes long) Other representatives ask questions of the speaker in affirmation (1 minute long) A speech in negation (against it) of the first bill/resolution is given (maximum of 3 minutes long) Other representatives ask questions of the speaker in negation (1 minute long)

7 How it works (continued):
PO asks for any motions Representatives make motions to vote on the bill/resolution or to continue debating All motions must be seconded and voted on before moving forward Once a bill/resolution is voted on, debate continues with docket item 2 When all items have been debated or time is up, the docket is closed and the session is ended

8 Important Motions: Motion to Open Docket: allows debate to begin on the docket being considered Motion to Previous Question: means you are voting on whether or not you are ready to vote on an item Motion to Table Item: tabling an item means that you aren’t ready to vote on it, so will set it aside until later (cannot adjourn with items on the table)

9 Important Motions (continued):
Motion to Close the Docket: if you haven’t finished the docket, but time for the session is up, you can motion to close it Motion to Adjourn: after the docket is closed or all items have been discussed and voted on, the session is ended Point of Personal Privilege: used to excuse yourself from the room

10 Questioning Tips Two-part Questions: aka follow-up questions; are NOT allowed. If you want to ask a follow-up question, you must raise your placard and wait to be called on again. Friendly Questions: questions that help the speaker look good

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