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(Ocean Temperature and Density)

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1 (Ocean Temperature and Density)
Wednesday February 13, 2013 (Ocean Temperature and Density)

2 What is “salinity?” Describe the term as it applies to Earth’s oceans.
The Launch Pad Wednesday, 2/13/13 What is “salinity?” Salinity is the amount of dissolved minerals in a given amount of water. Describe the term as it applies to Earth’s oceans. Ocean water averages 3.5% mineral content, or 350/oo (ppt)

3 The Launch Pad Wednesday, 2/13/13
Determine the effects the following processes have on the salinity of the ocean water in their immediate area: precipitation decreases salinity evaporation increases salinity formation of sea ice increases salinity melting of icebergs decreases salinity runoff from land decreases salinity

4 Happy National Get a Different Name Day! “ Hello, my name is Missy”
Announcements ?? Happy National Get a Different Name Day! “ Hello, my name is Missy”

5 I will be available after school from 4:45 until 5:30.
Announcements I will be available after school from 4:45 until 5:30.

6 Quiz 17 S2 2/1 Quiz 18 S3 2/11 FRIDAY 2/25 Assignment Currently Open
Summative or Formative? Date Issued Date Due Date Into GradeSpeed Final Day Quiz 17 S2 2/1 FRIDAY WS – Metamorphic Rocks F11 2/6 2/8 Lab – Metamorphic Rocks F12 2/7 2/9 Quiz 18 S3 2/11 2/25 Lab – Mixed Rocks F13 2/12 WS – Introduction to Oceanography - Salinity F14 2/13

7 Recent Events in Science
NASA'S Orion Lands Safely on Two of Three Parachutes in Test Read All About It! _13-048_Orion_Chute_Test.html NASA engineers have demonstrated the agency's Orion spacecraft can land safely if one of its three main parachutes fails to inflate during deployment.  The test was conducted Tuesday in Yuma, Ariz., with the parachutes attached to a test article. Engineers rigged the parachutes so only two would inflate, leaving the third to flag behind, when the test capsule was dropped from a plane 25,000 feet above the Arizona desert.  "Today is a great validation of the parachute system," said Chris Johnson, a NASA project manager for Orion's parachute system. "We never intend to have a parachute fail, but we've proven that if we do, the system is robust for our crew to make it to the ground safely."  Orion's parachutes will perform in ways no landing system for a spacecraft carrying humans has been required to do before. Because Orion will return to Earth from greater distances, it will reenter Earth's atmosphere at speeds of more than 20,000 mph. After re-entry, astronauts will rely on the parachutes to slow the spacecraft for a gentle splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.  This 21,000-pound capsule needs only two main parachutes and one drogue parachute. But NASA spacecraft, particularly those carrying humans, are designed to keep working when something goes wrong. So, Orion will be equipped with three main parachutes and two drogues, providing each system one backup parachute. 

8 Ocean Temperature Surface water temperature varies with the amount of solar radiation received. Lower surface temperatures are found in high-latitude regions. Higher surface temperatures are found in low-latitude regions. The unique thermal properties of seawater make it resistant to temperature changes. However, global warming could eventually influence ocean temperatures.

9 Ocean Temperature Variation with Depth
In low latitudes, there is a high temperature at the surface, with a rapid decrease in temperature with depth. This indicates the presence of a thermocline. In high latitudes, there are cooler surface temperatures with no rapid change in temperature with depth.

10 Variations in the Ocean’s Surface Temperature and Salinity with Latitude
Figure 14.3

11 Ocean Density Factors affecting seawater density:
Density is the amount of mass a material contains in a given volume of space. Density determines the water’s vertical position in the ocean. Factors affecting seawater density: temperature (the greatest influence) salinity

12 Ocean Density Variations with Depth
In low latitudes, there is low density at the surface, with the density increasing rapidly with depth because of colder water. This indicates the presence of a pycnocline. In high latitudes, we find high-density (cold) water at the surface with little change in density with depth.

13 Ocean “Layering” Due to Density
The oceans have a three-layered structure according to density. The Surface Mixed Zone is warmed by the Sun and extends to a depth of 300 meters. The Transition Zone lies under the surface mixed zone and is where the thermocline and pycnocline are found, if present. The Deep Zone in under the transition zone when where sunlight never reaches. Temperatures here are just a few degrees above freezing, and the water density is constantly high.

14 About one-third of the carbon dioxide gas induced into the atmosphere by humans ends up in the oceans. This results in ocean water gradually becoming more acidic. This is threatening a variety of organisms, including food-chain microbes and corals.

15 Worksheet Ocean Temperature and Density

16 Video DisneyNature Oceans (Part 2)

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