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Car Comparison Project By Stan Back Algebra One Ms. Hardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Car Comparison Project By Stan Back Algebra One Ms. Hardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Car Comparison Project By Stan Back Algebra One Ms. Hardy

2 Which Car is a better value overall? A foreign make SUV or a domestic make SUV?

3 Toyota Highlander SUV new priced at $32,476

4 Dodge Durango SUV new priced at $45,871

5 The Dodge is more expensive as a new vehicle – does that mean it is a better quality SUV and thus a better value? Or is the Toyota a better value because it is less expensive?

6 Let’s look at the data YearToyota Highlander SUV Dodge Durango SUV New 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 What does this data tell us? Let’s look at graphs of the data.

8 The Value of Dodge Durango SUV over time Age of car in years Value of Car in dollars

9 The Value of Toyota Highlander SUV over time Age of car in years Value of Car in dollars

10 Both cars depreciate in value. What does that look like mathematically? Let’s look at the exponential decay equations that describe the depreciation.

11 Depreciation Function Equations Dodge Durango SUV F(x) = a (b) x Toyota Highlander SUV F(x) = a (b) x

12 What do those equations tell us?

13 Depreciation Rates Dodge Durango SUV Toyota Highlander SUV

14 What do the depreciation rates tell us?

15 When do the two cars have the same value?

16 When do the cars have the same value? Age of car in years Value of Car in dollars x = 7.5958065 y = 14588.323

17 What other factors can we consider when comparing which car is the better value?

18 Conclusion Here you use FACTS that you collected to decide which is a better value and why. Use those facts in justifying WHY.

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