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Mark Hyland, Operations Director, Maine Emergency Management Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Hyland, Operations Director, Maine Emergency Management Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Hyland, Operations Director, Maine Emergency Management Agency

2  State – Maine Emergency Management Agency, State Emergency Response Team  County -- 16 County EMA Directors, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT), Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)  Metro Areas -- Portland, South Portland, Lewiston-Auburn, Augusta and Bangor  Local -- Town EMA Directors

3 Emergency Management Resources (MOU’s/MOA’s) Local/County State (public and private) - Statewide MOU, AGC, Poland Spring, Hannaford, WARN, etc Federal - FEMA (including DoD) NorthEast States Emergency Consortium(NESEC) Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) International Emergency Management Assistance Compact (IEMAC)

4  EPA’s “List of Lists” is a tool to use when determining the threshold amounts of a chemical and which program the chemical falls under for reporting purposes.  CERLA regulates just over 1000 chemicals under this law and 700 hazardous substances subject to spill reporting under Section 304.  356 extremely hazardous substances from the “List of Lists”.  Facilities that store EHS chemicals in reportable quantities, must report to the local fire department and the SERC.

5  Hazardous chemicals such as fuel oil and propane require a 10,000 lbs. threshold to report.  Extremely hazardous chemicals such as ammonia or nitric acid require a 500 lbs. or less depending on its threshold planning quantity to report.  2500 facilities currently report to the SERC and local fire departments  500 of those are EHS or extremely hazardous substance facilities, about 100 have off-site consequences.

6  Plan for that worst possible day when you lose a pumping well or intake.  Contact your Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to find out what types of stationary facilities could endanger your facility.  Review the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) Commodity Flow Study to find out what transportation accidents could endanger your facility.  Find out who responds to a Hazmat incident in your area.

7 Commodity Flow Study with Tier II Facilities and Transportation Routes

8  Join your Local Emergency Planning Committee  Make sure first responders know where your critical facilities are.  Conduct a risk assessment ◦ Determine protection areas ◦ Collect release statistics ◦ Identify the consequences  Develop mitigation strategies  EHS Facilities are required to conduct an exercise each year.  Work with the industry to develop exercises to test those mitigation strategies.

9 Zombie Sanctuary?? Prepper hideaway ?? Kim Chee Storage Area??

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