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COMP 253 SPRING ‘08 Logistics and Introduction 15 January.

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1 COMP 253 SPRING ‘08 Logistics and Introduction 15 January

2 Contact information AIM: dianepozefsky Not for links or information that I need to save If I appear to be on at 3 a.m., I’m probably not I do sometimes forget to do away messages email: phone (cell): 824-9073 Dropping in: Sitterson 141 If we have a meeting scheduled and someone is in my office, interrupt

3 Teams 3D Neural Activity Mapping in Small Animals (Sabrina Burmeister) Ping Fu Jennifer Staab 5 pm Monday FlickrMD (Patrick Reynolds) Sam Brice Meg Sorber Zach Mullen 5 pm Tuesday Osprey (John Reuning) Robert Cherry Ryan Scotton Arthur Greenside 10 am Wednesday Amazing Grace Tracking (John Collins) Hong Fan Zack Sheffield Jason Overbey Lynda Yang 11 am Monday IQWST (Alison Bowes) Juancarlos Aponte Ashwin Vaidyanathan Chris Rogers Everest Wu 4 pm Tuesday Move to Music (Gary Bishop) Trey Brumley Kevin Coletta Jason Cisarano Zach Swartz 9 am Wednesday Sports Game (Gary Bishop) Jon Latane Carl Schissler Mitchell Rao Rocking Horse (Gary Bishop) Chris Barefoot Daniel Parker John Batchelor Michael Zachary 2 pm Thursday Wireless Mesh Management (Brian Russell) Shaddi Hassan Will Vogler Mac Mollison 11 am Tuesday

4 The right software, delivered defect free, on time and on cost, every time. Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute Software Engineering Objective

5 Course Objectives Overview of the practice of software engineering: why software development is more than coding Hands on experience of the full process and working on a team Awareness of software engineering failures in the real world Awareness of new technologies

6 About the Projects Service Learning: APPLES course Does not require that all projects be service learning (though this year all are) No additional work. Appears on your transcript. Last year had the opportunity to present our work

7 About the Course Communications Intensive (new curriculum) Implies Documentation revision Past years: optional This year: required Applies to all documentation Some dates will change

8 Logistics All meetings are in my office (Sitterson 141) I would like to attend your first meeting with your client If not the first, shortly thereafter I’m flexible about rescheduling meetings But I get grumpy when I’m stood up Agree on contact procedure for missing or late Feel free to contact me at any time by email, phone, or IM Class attendance is expected Essays will cover class material

9 Inclement weather policy Generally follows university If not having class on a day the university is open, I will email class before 9 am Possible exceptions University open and busses not running University re-opens at 12:30 and sidewalks aren’t cleared until then We win another national championship

10 Class Material All content available on web site Slides Templates Sections for each project Should be repository of all material Public site Will give access as soon as I have your cs id Can be pointer to any site you want

11 Web Site Contact information Overview of project Related links Repository for all documents Team rules Contract Schedule Code Journal or log of decisions made and reasoning … or you’ll keep revisiting the same decisions …

12 Web Site Options Build Your Own Web Site Google code, doc, calendar, … Caveat: Google doc good for working documents…not for final formatting TRAC option Sourceforge Wiki Combinations thereof…

13 Readings No class text Light assigned readings Lots of references However, if you are going to go into the software engineering field, consider reading Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month

14 How the Course Will Run Classes are planned for the full semester Conflict week of February 18: work sessions Working on guest speakers Meetings Weekly team meetings with me: organizational and technical Meetings with the client as appropriate (probably weekly) Weekly team meetings Regular deliverables Description posted on web Broad dates are class-wide; details are team-defined Multiple executable deliverables to client

15 Beyond the Project Essays In lieu of exams Probably 4 Two pages Must be done electronically One week to write Presentations Midterm: what the project is about! Week before spring break Final: show and tell

16 End of the Semester Project completed Exchange of documentation Additional documents Evaluation of team performance Final presentation Show and tell In lieu of final exam Clients invited

17 General Structure Spec first, then contract, and initial design doc Each week, I’ll ask each team member to fill in a form with hours for Meetings Documentation Code Design Final project will be due 2 weeks before the end of class Last two weeks for testing Final grade is on the FIXED code

18 Deliverables Functional specification Project schedule Contract User interface sketches Design Implementation manual User guide Code Running system Presentations

19 First Deliverables Team rules: 17 January First meeting with client ASAP Web site as soon as I get you access

20 Documentation All electronic documentation will be linked from the web site Commonly used software packages only Spelling matters as does grammar Deadlines are expected to be met Adapting the schedule is different than missing deadlines

21 Professionalism You are representing the university, the department, this class and yourself Your web site is publicly available and may be accessed by outside people You are expected to show common courtesy make it to meetings promptly or notify people meet your commitments It is part of your grade

22 Team Rules Establish them now … before problems arise Team behavior Notifying team members if you’re going to be late Ways to contact and communicate Responses to emails Expected times Meaning of no response Coding practices Style Prologue How to maintain current state Strongly recommend using a formal mechanism CVS, Subversion, … More than one project has accidentally regressed in the last two days

23 Grading 80% project individual contribution multiplier (.8 – 1.1) 40% code 30% documentation 5% on time delivery 5% professionalism (includes doc exchange) 10% team presentations 10% essays

24 Individual Contribution Rare that it will go over 1.0 Basically, you can’t do better than the project But there are always exceptional circumstances Inputs Weekly record of hours Peer evaluations My evaluation Client evaluation Consultant evaluations

25 All software projects are different but … Requirements will change. Surprises will happen. Schedules will slip. Life will happen.

26 Common Mistakes Over committing (“big eyes”) Unrealistic schedules Training Access to people or materials Hours in the day Level of detail Vague descriptions Over specification Not knowing your user Assuming that you’ll get it right the first time

27 Clients vs. Users The client is the person “paying the bill” The users are the ones that will Use your system Maintain your system Administer your system Know their Skill level Time constraints Tolerances Expectations

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