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Team 4 “Engaging personnel towards change and innovation.” Doris Davis Kate Hamilton Marie Motley Catherine Seage.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 4 “Engaging personnel towards change and innovation.” Doris Davis Kate Hamilton Marie Motley Catherine Seage."— Presentation transcript:


2 Team 4 “Engaging personnel towards change and innovation.” Doris Davis Kate Hamilton Marie Motley Catherine Seage

3 Idea Generation Design thinking Different practices in the workplace Visualization Mind-mapping Journey Mapping Value Chain Analysis Catherine Seage

4 Idea Generation Brainstorming the “zen” of brainstorming Concept Development Catherine Seage

5 Adapting to Change How do you help your employees adapt to change Ways to make change easier Learning Launch Concept Catherine Seage

6 Cultural Aspects of Change Presenter – Doris Davis What is culture in the organization? – It involves groups of people collaborating to become cohesive for change in the organization. What are the factors in cultural change? – There are three levels that include: Artifacts- organizational structures and processes Espoused Values- strategies, goals and philosophies (espoused justifications) Underlying Assumptions-unconscious taken for granted beliefs, perceptions and thoughts and feelings (ultimate source of values and actions. What is cultural aspects of change

7 Examples of cultural aspects of change. – Change results in growth, creativity, innovation, and taking risks in the organization while developing a vision for change in the organization. What are the cause and effect of cultural aspects in the organization. Causes Different perceptions and values Interaction with one another in the organization The way that the policies and procedures are implemented and how are they utilized in the organization Diversity of skills and talents in the organization for connectivity Effects Biases of opinions Behaviors Individuals that do not comply with the policies and procedures. Breaking down barriers such as, communication, motives, and the leadership in the workplace Cultural Aspects of Change (cont.) Presenter – Doris Davis

8 What are the outcome of change due to cultural aspects? Presenter – Doris Davis Continuous changes and learning in the organization. New leadership with different ideas, and norms. Better relationships internally and externally in the organization. Focus on the goals and objectives of the organization for superior outcomes. High performance, productivity and employee satisfaction

9 Leadership Roles and Innovation What is a leaders role? How do leaders lead the process in organizational change? What are the challenges that a leader will face? Marie Motley

10 Leadership Roles and Innovation What is innovation? What are the roles of innovation and change in an organization? Marie Motley

11 Leadership Roles and Innovation Why do people have a resistance to change in an organization? What are some check points for a leader to have successful change? Marie Motley

12 Follower Expectations What do employees want from their job? Clear Expectations & Goals Recognition & Praise Communication Kate Hamilton

13 Follower Expectations What do employees want from their job? Growth Trust Responsibility Kate Hamilton

14 Follower Expectations What do employees want from their job? Respect Pride in work Kate Hamilton

15 Follower Expectations What do employees want from their job? Learning Achievement Kate Hamilton

16 References Baumeyer, K. (2014) Leadership: Leaders and their role in organizations. Educational Portal Retrieved from role-in-organizations.html#lesson role-in-organizations.html#lesson Cameron, S., & Whelton, D. (1983). Organizational Effectiveness: A comparison to multiple models. Acedemic press. Conlow, R. (2014, March 27). Deetz, S. A., Tracy, S. J. J. J., & Simpson, M. J. L. L. (1999). Leading organizations through transition: Communication and cultural change. Sage Publications. Evans, R. (2013). What is organizational innovation? Retrieved from The Top Ten Things Employees Want From Their Job. Retrieved October 3, 2014. Hogg, B. (2013). Seven Steps for Creating Behavior and Performance Expectations that Drive Employee Engagement. Retrieved October 4, 2014.

17 References (cont.) Liedtka, J., & Ogilvie, T. (2011). Designing for Growth. New York: Columbia Business School Publishing. Liedtka, J., & Ogilvie, T. (2012). Helping Business Managers Discover Their Appetite for Design Thinking. Design Management Review, 23(1), 6-13. Nohria, N., Groysberg, B., & Lee, L. (2008). Employee motivation: A powerful new model. Harvard Business Review, 86(7/8), 78. Olsson, B., & Florin, U. (2011). Idea Exchange and Shared Understanding: Tools Stimulating Thought and Conveying Ideas. Design Principles & Practice: An International Journal, 5(4), 487-502. Rezaei, M., Salehi, S. Schafiei, S. (2012). Servant Leadership roles and organizational trust: The mediating effect of the leader trust and organizational communication. University of Pittsburg, 2, 21-299.doi 10.51951emaj.2012.12 Schein, E. H. (2003). Organisationskultur: The Ed Schein corporate culture survival guide. EHP, Ed. Humanistische Psychologie. Sherman, D., & Hendricks, W. (1987). Your work matters to God. NavPress.

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