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The Experiences with eGovernment in the NMS Renata Anna Jaksa – Pal Gaspar Hrádec Králove, 02-03 April 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "The Experiences with eGovernment in the NMS Renata Anna Jaksa – Pal Gaspar Hrádec Králove, 02-03 April 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Experiences with eGovernment in the NMS Renata Anna Jaksa – Pal Gaspar Hrádec Králove, 02-03 April 2007

2 2 ICEG European Center 1.Private, independent research think tank 2.Research and consultancy activities 3.Research areas: Macroeconomic analysis, growth and competitiveness, public finances, regional geography and economics, information economy and society 4.Geographical focus: EU8+2, Western Balkans, CIS

3 3 The project 1. One project: Next steps in developing Information Society Services in the NMS 2.Two contracts: eGovernment and eHealth in one and eLearning in the other. Deliverables for national reports follow this distinction (10+10). But there are commonalities for: -the team structures (national partner institutes with a core team and experts), -for the content structures -for methodology (interviews, etc), -and for timing (except for the last month) 3.Three domains: all three must be explored with similar efforts, with domain- wise experts, domain-wise interviews. Synthesis Reports follow this distinction: -eGovernment Synthesis, -eHealth Synthesis, -eLearning Synthesis, -and a cross-domain eServices Synthesis Report.

4 4 Selected developments in eGovernment

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7 7 Selected developments in eGovernment Selected developments in eGovernment

8 8 Main Achievements in eGovernment Fast increase in the number of public services available online Increase in the average level of online availability and in the level of online interaction Significant improvements in front offices: more user friendly, transparent, more integrated services Rise and comparably high level of usage of online public services by households and corporate sector Development of the basic infrastructure needed to provide online public services

9 9 Main Shortcomings in eGovernment The scope of public services available online is still limited Service developments are supply side oriented and aren’t driven by the needs of users Provision of income generating services has far outpaced registration/return and permits services Many eServices are not integrated inside the general government Providers of eServices are fragmented and the online development of their services is uncoordinated Limited scope of back office reforms and related institutional and organisational changes Lack of ex ante assessment of cost and benefits of programs

10 10 Main Short-term Barriers to eGovernment Incomplete or missing reform of public finances Social, regional and digital divides Level of digital literacy of users and supliers Efficiency of using funds for eGovernment Approach of local or regional governments and the unsolved problems there

11 11 Main Policy Priorities Public sector and closely linked back office reforms Efficiency driven usage of local and EU funds eServices and Information Society related measures Monitoring users’ demand Local government support and funding Managing digital divide Utilising the benefits of technology convergence for eGovernment

12 Thank you for your attention!

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