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© Energy PoolSAS au capital de 854 000 euros Energy Pool – 03/12/2012.

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1 © Energy PoolSAS au capital de 854 000 euros Energy Pool – 03/12/2012

2 © Energy Pool SEDC GA - Confidential - 03/12/2012 2 Introduction - Energy Pool in short a young innovative and successful company  Energy Pool was incorporated in 2008 by Olivier Baud, who has a long experience in the industry  We are an aggregator of Demand Response capacities, focusing on large electricity consumers, mainly industrial facilities with complex processes  Our operations started in France in 2009 and we regularly win a large share of the DR capacity reservation calls for tenders organized by for RTE, the French TSO  We will be operating in 2 other European countries in 2013 and are developing consultancy services where we do not operate  In December 2010, Schneider Electric took a majority stake in Energy Pool  Energy Pool has ~50 employees  Please visit our website : Our DR NOC in Chambéry

3 Schneider Electric 3 - Dong Energy smart energy summit 18/09/2012 Schneider Electric at a glance billion € sales (last twelve months) of sales in new economies (last twelve months) people in 100+ countries of sales devoted to R&D Energy production & transmission Making energy: Safe Reliable Efficient Productive Green The global specialist in Energy management Energy usage A Recognised Sustainable commitment Covering World final energy consumption Covering of world final energy consumption

4 © Energy Pool  We all believe that consumers adapting their load to real-time conditions are creating some value by achieving a better system efficiency  SEDC is about smarter Demand, but who exactly is “Demand” and how can we foster participation ? Prosumers are consumers that are fully aware of their consumption and have a significant financial incentive to improve their behavior  Those consumers (mostly C&I) are willing to work with independent Energy Management services providers to Most of the consumers, including residential ones, do not care about their consumption and actually will have a very low ability to financially leverage their efforts  Those consumers are the adequate target for Auto-DR and direct contracts with their energy retailer  Demand Response is not a technical issue anymore, but a marketing challenge… of course still with hard regulatory constraints SEDC GA - Confidential - 03/12/2012 4 Demand Response - Consumption over time = efficiency Who is able to act ?

5 © Energy Pool  Energy Management includes a broad portfolio of services, including :  Energy Efficiency, onsite, is about reducing energy usage for the same utility at the consumer site, by improving processes or changing habits  Tariffs can be strong incentives for structural load-shifting needs, with relatively slow reactivity  Demand Response aims at load modulation adapting to real-time opportunities and constraints  These services are complementary, yet energy audits are often dedicated to only one of these : efficiency is also to be found in commercial actions ! 5 Demand Response - Consumption over time = efficiency Many ways of achieving better efficiency EE Tariff incentives EE + Tariff EE + Tariff + DR SEDC GA - Confidential - 03/12/2012

6 © Energy Pool  Self-consumption is one of the new « hype » concept in the energy sector, mostly for photovoltaic  It has many proven advantages : Reduces losses Lowers the costly subsidies of feed-in tariffs Involves the consumers in a better energy management And more…  Yet a too large part of self-consumption may create inefficiencies : It may require over-capacity in central generation, to deal with the moments when self-generation is too low, only for a limited number of hours a year, so the full cost will increase a lot The grid may be dimensioned for these peaks, so OPEX and CAPEX will not be decreased that much  So in my opinion, self-consumption is only good for a limited part of the overall need (Of course this statement is a little bit rude : it is here to create the debate !) SEDC GA - Confidential - 03/12/2012 6 Demand Response - Consumption over time = efficiency Good ideas are not always good for efficiency

7 © Energy Pool SEDC GA - Confidential - 03/12/2012 7 Contacts Davy Marchand-Maillet Olivier Baud +33 (0) 631 921 671 Headquarters & Operations Savoie Technolac - BP 324 73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex - France Tél +33 (0)479 851 402 Fax +33 (0) 479 851 274 Sales, Engineering & IT Departments 59 Bd Vivier-Merle - 69003 Lyon - France Tél +33 (0)478 097 170 Fax +33 (0)469 965 427 +33 (0) 645 763 245

8 © Energy Pool SEDC GA - Confidential - 03/12/2012 8 Energy Pool identifies, aggregates and operates DR capacities creating value by reducing risk and complexity for all parties From many different kind of capacities… Continuous process merely impossible to stop Complex Process can be stopped with cautious operations Side-processes with a big storage capacity …We identify opportunities… Only for emergency situation High fixed fee Only for emergency situation High fixed fee Availability highly depending on the price High variable prices Availability highly depending on the price High variable prices Can be stopped almost every day Lower price, big volumes Can be stopped almost every day Lower price, big volumes We collect availability and specific constraints of our customers – EP economic schedule and keep an eye on consumption – EP Measure …To aggregate opportunities in offers to the markets… Balancing Mechanism Security Reserves Capacity Market Energy Market Transactions …And create as much value as possible D-1 and/or Intraday Long term contracts, Emergency operations Mid or Long term contracts Intraday to Long term contracts € New Mechanisms TBD

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