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It doesn’t hurt the person being cloned because if it would harm them they wouldn’t give their permission. It doesn’t hurt the baby because there is no.

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Presentation on theme: "It doesn’t hurt the person being cloned because if it would harm them they wouldn’t give their permission. It doesn’t hurt the baby because there is no."— Presentation transcript:


2 It doesn’t hurt the person being cloned because if it would harm them they wouldn’t give their permission. It doesn’t hurt the baby because there is no evidence that children born using other forms of assisted reproduction are less valued than those born through natural conception.

3 It would be cruel to ban technology that could allow them to have THEIR CHILD BACK. There are millions of human clones walking the face of the earth, we call them identical twins. It could enable an infertile couple to have a baby.

4 Some people argue that any limit on a persons reproductive activities infringes their reproductive rights. It would allow gay and celibate people to have a biologically related child to cherish and love. It is wrong to deprive them of this right.

5 Some people say that human clones will inevitably be created. Disapproving of cloning, or passing laws against it will turn clones into a class outcasts that people will shun, or who will live in fear of the law. So as clones will certainly be created, banning them would produce unfair discrimination.

6 People who are against abortion at any stage are likely to have problems with human cloning. The process of cloning inevitably involves throwing away some fertilized embryos. At the current stage of development many of the embryos selected fail to develop and eventually die before birth.

7 Cloning, at present, is experimental and unpredictable. It will do harm. Cloning may have bad results for the embryo and carries a high risk of abnormality in the resulting child. Cloning can put both the cell donor and the birth mother at risk.

8 God has devised the proper way to make babies, and we shouldn’t interfere with his will by doing it in a different way. This argument makes a whole set of infertility treatments, such as in – vitro fertilization wrong.

9 “ Practices which are contrary to human dignity, such as reproductive cloning of human beings, shall not be permitted.” Universal declaration on the human genome and human rights Cloning humans is an insult to human dignity.

10 If cloning can produce a healthy child then cloning should be allowed but only in extreme cases, e.g: if the child’s life was at risk. On the other hand cloning is very unnatural and can be used for the wrong reasons.

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