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Personal Review (for Reviewers) 2013 Facilitators: Margaret Bentley Joanna Burke.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Review (for Reviewers) 2013 Facilitators: Margaret Bentley Joanna Burke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Review (for Reviewers) 2013 Facilitators: Margaret Bentley Joanna Burke

2 Introductions Name and role? How long with SGUL? How many people will you review this year? Experience of reviews: +/-? What you’d like to take away from this session?

3 Objectives for this session Identify roles and responsibilities in the on- line process Prepare for, and practice giving constructive feedback Set SMART objectives linked to SGUL’s strategic plan

4 Poor inner dialoguePositive inner dialogue I can’t mention his behaviour: after all, it’s his personality. When he says things like this, it upsets the team. It’s important to deal with it. He’s an impossible individual and nothing I say will make any difference. I need to be direct and assertive with him, even if he doesn’t like it. She’s constantly complaining and it’s really disrupting the department, but I can’t do anything about it. I need to be supportive, but also make it clear that this behaviour is unhelpful and needs to change. Strengthening your self-beliefs

5 Facilitative Questions What, How, When and Where? e.g. –“Tell me what you’ve done to help sort out this problem?” –“How does that affect you?” –“What’s your understanding of the policy?” Avoid ‘why’ where possible!

6 “ So what you’re saying is that there’s nothing you can do about this issue…..” “It sounds like you….” “You seem to be feeling….because….” Reflecting back and summarising

7 What is ‘challenge’? Challenge (in this context) is defined as: “an invitation for the other person to look at the situation differently, especially if their view is distorted, misinformed, or unrealistic”.

8 Perceived need to challenge Communicating with respect but without compromise Anxiety-free relationship Growth and Development Hedging the issues Swimming on the surface No growth Defensiveness No growth Barrier of anxiety Sledgehammering Challenging means putting demands on people. We often shy away from telling people what they don’t want to hear, even when we think they ought to know. This protectiveness is called the Mum effect. Challenge

9 “You seem to be saying that there’s nothing you can do to prevent this happening….” “When was the last time you discussed this with your colleague?” “I’m feeling very uncomfortable about the timing of this leave request….” Challenge

10 Feedback planner Describe current behaviours I’ve observed that you seem very upset about the changes in the department Identify situations For example, this morning you said that you completely disagreed with them Describe impact and consequences This means that it’s difficult to continue to discuss how we might make them work Identify alternative behaviours I understand you’re concerned about the impact. What can you suggest to limit the effect of the changes?

11 Feedback planner Describe current behaviours When you say “yes but” when I’m giving you feedback Identify situations For example, this morning when I was asking what made us miss the deadline, you said it 5 times. Describe impact and consequences I’m getting worried that you may not be listening, or taking any responsibility for this Identify alternative behaviours I’d really like you to listen first and ask questions. We can then work together to make sure we meet the deadline next time.

12 SMART objective setting S PECIFIC Concrete description of what is to be achieved M EASURABLE Can be judged objectively Indications of standards Quantitative if possible A CHIEVABLE Possible Stretching/Challenging R ELEVANT Clear benefits Consistent with business needs T IMED Specific deadline

13 Into the s-t-r-e-t-c-h zone Panic Zone Discomfort Zone Stretch Zone Comfort Zone

14 Sample objective “ To improve induction for new SGUL students……” versus Review and update procedures for induction to comply with HTA regulations for September 2013 intake

15 Sample objective “To ensure system is in place for monitoring MRI data” versus  To agree new monitoring system with colleagues, pilot it during April 2013 and amend in the light of feedback for implementation by July 2013.

16 Learning Review

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