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Session 1: The way to Greatness Year 2010: My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 1: The way to Greatness Year 2010: My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 1: The way to Greatness Year 2010: My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

2 1 Summary Session 2: I fear Nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. Session 3: I will never give this world a chance to point a finger at my character. Session 4: I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. Session 6: My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You – turns. Session 5: I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. I deserve the BEST. I want to make it very very big in LIFE. I want to be a LEGEND. I want to be GREAT. Session 7: I will settle for nothing but the best, because I deserve the best. Session 1: Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything.

3 2 Session 6: “My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.” TEAM Your relationships are your responsibility You-Turn Make people feel respected Do not laugh at other’s expense Will not speak bad but will speak all the good Admit it immediately when you are wrong Will first listen and only then speak Will communicate in questions Will clarify my expectations Expectations fulfilled and unfulfilled Key Takeaways S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

4 3 Session 6: TEAM TEAM - T.ogether E.verybody A.chieves M.ore Life is all about leadership. Leadership is all about relationships. TEAM is all about relationships. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

5 4 Session 6: Your relationships are your responsibility. When your relationships get disturbed, it disturbs your happiness. Without happiness what is life? Blaming makes no sense. The quality of your relationships is your responsibility and yours alone. In the road called life, in dealing with the traffic called relationships, it is not the question of whose mistake, but it is question of whose life. It is your life. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

6 5 Session 6: You-Turn. The ‘U - Turn’ road sign tells you ‘YOU - Turn’. Teaches you the essence of relationship. Don’t expect others to turn. I got the man right and the world became right. To get your relationships right, you have to get your approach to relationships right. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Become the change you wish to see”. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

7 6 Session 6: Make people feel respected. The first You-Turn: I will make people feel respected. It is not the question of whether you respect people or not. THEY should feel respected and it comes from the way you relate with them. There must be respect in your words. There must be respect in the tone of your voice. There must be respect in your body language. Make your parents, teachers, classmates, grandparents, siblings feel respected. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

8 7 Session 6: Do not laugh at other’s expense. The next You-Turn: I will not laugh at other’s expense. There is a huge difference between nicknames and pet names. Nickname - Don’t cut somebody’s leg for you to look tall. Sarcasm is cheap humour. Laughing at other’s expense is cheap humour. Drop the habit of laughing at others. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

9 8 Session 6: Will not speak bad but will speak all the good. The next You-Turn: I will not speak bad about people, but will speak all the good I can of people. Socrates – Triple Filter Test. –The first filter is Truth –The second filter is Goodness –The final filter is Usefulness Be a good finder and a good news spreader. People should feel, when you talk, something good will be discussed. Every day, speak at least five good things about your family / teachers / school / city / anything. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

10 9 Session 6: Admit it immediately when you are wrong. The next You-Turn: I will admit it immediately when I know I am wrong. You don’t have to carry the burden of your mistakes in your head. Admit it immediately and feel liberated. Cowards hide their mistakes. To err is human, but to admit it is being super human. By admitting your mistakes when you know you are wrong - you win the trust of people. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

11 10 Session 6: Will first listen and only then speak. The next You-Turn: I will first listen and only then speak. Speak only after you listen completely. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

12 11 Session 6: Will communicate in questions. The next You-Turn: I will communicate in questions instead of giving direct orders. Human ego feels offended when you communicate in orders. Orders and commands are only for the armed and the uniformed forces. Not for happy relationships. Develop the art of communicating through questions instead of direct orders. It will make a lot of difference to your relationships. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

13 12 Session 6: Will clarify my expectations. The next You-Turn: I will clarify my expectations. The root trouble in relationship is that nobody will know what your expectations are unless you tell them. You tend to assume that they will know your expectations, which leads to so many disappointments in relationships. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

14 13 Session 6: Expectations fulfilled and unfulfilled The most important You-Turn: I understand not all my expectations will be fulfilled. I also understand not all my expectations will remain unfulfilled. You were created to serve the world and it is not the other way around. The world was not created to serve you. If you understand this you will understand all your expectations will not be fulfilled. Life will even out everything. If you can remember He is God and you are not the God, you will understand, neither will all your expectations be fulfilled, nor will all your expectations remain unfulfilled. S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

15 14 Session 6: Key Takeaways. The mantra is, “My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-Turns.” And the You-Turns you will take are: –You will make people feel respected. –You will not laugh at other’s expense. –You will not speak bad about people, but will speak all the good you can of people. –You will admit it immediately when you know you are wrong. –You will first listen and only then speak. –You will communicate in questions instead of giving direct orders. –You will clarify your expectations. –You understand that not all your expectations will be fulfilled. You also understand that not all your expectations will remain unfulfilled S6 My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take the You-turns.

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