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Research Methodology (ID 6020) Interpersonal Skills 12 th April, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Methodology (ID 6020) Interpersonal Skills 12 th April, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Methodology (ID 6020) Interpersonal Skills 12 th April, 2012

2 "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.“ 2

3 The Case for IPS 3


5 Types of Research Scholars TYPE1: “I have come here to do path-breaking research. I don’t worry about time. I understand that 4-5 years is the upper limit.” TYPE2: “I have come here to get a degree. I want to finish in 3-4 years. I have family/other commitments.” 5

6 Types of Research Scholars 6

7 Goes onto Understanding Others.. Types of Guides TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 7

8 Symptoms of Unhealthy Interpersonal Skills Family Arguments increase – for the silliest reasons! You start smoothening conflicts – not addressing them. You are misunderstood more often. More time @ work – not necessarily working! Research Starting to avoid bumping into the guide! Infrequent visits to the department. Venting out with fellow scholars more often. Its my research and my world. Workplace Everyday is Monday morning! Cribbing increases. 8

9 Interpersonal Skills – NOT At Its Best! Guide “When can you submit the paper” Scholar “When do you want it Sir?” (gives an unrealistic estimate; Yes Boss!) Father/Mother “When will you complete your research?” Son/Daughter “What is your problem? I just come home for a few days and you start off!!!!!!” Spouse “What do you think of this?” Spouse “Yes…OK” (watching TV)

10 Cliché! IPS Is An Ocean Emotional Intelligence – Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Management Assertiveness, Conflict Management People Skills – Social Intelligence Communication- Listening, Non- Verbal – Body Language 10

11 Honing of Interpersonal Skills 11

12 A Myriad of Tools Johari Window Neuro-Linguistic Programming Transactional Analysis Self-Assessment tools 12

13 What will help? Want the draft EOD Sure. Oh God! How is it possible! COMMUNICATING EXPECTATIONS, ISSUES CLEARLY AND HONESTLY 13

14 What will help? Formulate a LP problem and come tomorrow with the results Hmmm…Ok Sir. Works hard, cannot crack it, Ctrl C & V CONSIDERATE AND UNDERSTAND DEEPER NEEDS, INTENTIONS 14

15 Consider this… Oh Oh, there she goes..crying once more... BEING SENSITIVE OF DEEPER MOTIVES, FEARS 15

16 EMPATHY What will help? King Lear: “Gloucester, you have no eyes in your head, yet you see how this world goes.” Gloucester replies, “I see it feelingly.” 16

17 LISTENING...PROPERLY! What will help? 17

18 What will help? Publication – low quality journal/ Single author paper My name in a low quality journal!!???/ Where is my name?!!! TRANSPARENCY IN RELATIONSHIP 18

19 What will help? Hey, there is a good conference coming up. Why don’t we send a paper? Is it the one at ()()() ? I’ve already sent it. HELPING OTHERS, SHARING INFORMATION 19

20 TRUST What will help? 20

21 A HEALTHY DOSE OF HUMOR! What will help? 21

22 Social Intelligence The most fundamental discovery of this new science: We are wired to connect. – Daniel Goleman 22

23 Social Intelligence Skill Do you… Empathy Understand what motivates other people, even those from different backgrounds? Are you sensitive to their needs? Attunement Listen attentively and think about how others feel? Are you attuned to others’ moods? Organizational Appreciate your group’s or organization’s culture and values? Awareness Understand social networks and know their unspoken norms? Influence Persuade others by engaging them in discussion, appealing to their interests, and getting support from key people? Developing Coach and mentor others with compassion? Do you others personally invest time and energy in mentoring and provide feedback that people find helpful for their professional development? Inspiration Articulate a compelling vision, build group pride, foster a positive emotional tone, and lead by bringing out the best in people? Teamwork Encourage the participation of everyone on your team, support all members, and foster cooperation? 23

24 Build trust Accentuate the positive When mistakes occur, redirect energy The Whale Done!™ Approach 24

25 Whale Done Commitment One thing I will start doing. One thing I will stop doing. One thing I will continue doing. 25

26 The Ideal 26

27 Signing Off… Life is not a competition, it's a game. It's not about winning or losing, it's about all the fun you can have before it ends. Simon Sinek 27

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