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WORLD HISTORY COACH STRYKER. WHY STUDY HISTORY??? 1. Each generation can learn from mistakes & successes of past. 2. Each generation should know the sacrifices.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD HISTORY COACH STRYKER. WHY STUDY HISTORY??? 1. Each generation can learn from mistakes & successes of past. 2. Each generation should know the sacrifices."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY STUDY HISTORY??? 1. Each generation can learn from mistakes & successes of past. 2. Each generation should know the sacrifices & accomplishments of predecessors. DECEMBER 1972 A.D Eugene Cernan, last man on moon.

3 Understand why things are the way they are- 1. Understand our relationships with other countries. 2. Understand the sacrifices others have made for you. 3. PASS THIS CLASS & have a little fun at the same time. 4. Learn something about your past. JUNE 6, 1944 GREECE, 480 BC WHY STUDY HISTORY???


5 RULE # 1 DON’T DO ANYTHING DETRIMENTAL TO THE CLASS DETRIMENTAL – 1.Tending to cause harm or damage. "You have engaged in conduct detrimental to the welfare of the NFL and have violated the league's personal conduct policy," -Commissioner Roger Goodell told Vick in a letter.

6 GOOD THINGS TO DO 1. Follow directions – 1.ALL of them, EVERYTIME! 2. Work on your assignments – 1.No goofing off. 3. Complete your assignments – 1.Take pride in your work. 4. Turn in your assignments on time – 1.Late work NOT ACCEPTED. 5. When interacting with others, check: 1.Body Language 2.Tone of your voice 3.Wording

7 CLASSROOM GOALS 1. World History Studies is a survey of the history of humankind. 1. World History Studies is a survey of the history of humankind. 2. Due to the expanse of world history & the time limitations of the school year- 1.The scope of this course will focus on "essential" concepts and skills that can be applied to various eras, events, & people. 1.The scope of this course will focus on "essential" concepts and skills that can be applied to various eras, events, & people. 3. The major emphasis will be on the study of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present.

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