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An Innovation-Development Plan for Thomas G. Pullen K-8 Academy of Creative and Performing Arts Howard Brent June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "An Innovation-Development Plan for Thomas G. Pullen K-8 Academy of Creative and Performing Arts Howard Brent June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Innovation-Development Plan for Thomas G. Pullen K-8 Academy of Creative and Performing Arts Howard Brent June 2013

2 Innovation-development process Need Identification

3 Innovation-development process Need Identification Is there a need for Edmodo at Thomas G. Pullen? Increase academic performance in math, reading, and science. Improve 21 st century digital learning skills. Improve communication between teachers, students, and parents. Create a student-centered classroom environment and provide individualized instruction through the use of technology. Transition from the traditional approach to learning to a blended learning model.

4 Innovation-development process Research and Development Basic Research vs. Applied Research Edmodo, Inc. operates as a social network for education. Early investors include Greylock, Benchmark, Union Square Ventures, and Learn Capital; It has raised 47.5 million U.S. dollars. Edmodo has grown fast since it was founded in 2008.

5 Innovation-development process Commercialization


7 Innovation-development process Commercialization How can we market this innovation at Thomas Pullen? Must gain district and school level administrative support Introduce Edmodo to key stakeholders: Program Coordinator, teachers, students, and parents Advertise in “Encore” (the Arts Newsletter for parents and community of Thomas G. Pullen) and Twitter Advertise in Tech Tuesday’s Tidbits (Newsletter for staff at Thomas G. Pullen on tech integration)

8 Innovation-development process Diffusion and Adoption

9 Innovation-development process YearNumber of Users 200950,000 2010500,000 20117,000,000 201210,000,000 201318,000,000

10 Innovation-development process Diffusion and Adoption How do we diffuse Edmodo as an innovation at Thomas G. Pullen? Must gain district and school level administrative support Set up student accounts on Edmodo during Computer Technology class Provide professional development and support to elementary school teachers Provide training to parents of students using Edmodo and announce at Back to School Night Collect data quarterly to monitor progress and use of Edmodo

11 Innovation-development process Consequences How will we evaluate whether Edmodo is effective in improving student learning outcomes and engagement at Thomas G. Pullen? Gather and analyze formative and summative assessments in reading, math and science. Survey both teachers and students about their experiences in using Edmodo in the classroom and analyze data. Share and review with teachers and parents student ePortfolios that were created using Edmodo.

12 The Innovation-Decision Process Change Agents Who are the change agents at Thomas G. Pullen? According to Rogers (2003), a change agent is an individual who is influential in influencing people in the innovation-decision process to adopt an innovation or new idea. The change agents at Thomas G. Pullen Academy: The Technology Integration Specialist, the administration, the Arts Program Coordinator, and key teachers who are early adopters of Edmodo and eager to integrate technology in the classroom.

13 The Innovation-Decision Process Change Agents How will the 7 roles of a change agent be used to affect positive social change at Thomas G. Pullen? Develop a need for change Establish an information exchange relationship Diagnose problems Create an intent to change Translate an intent into action Stabilize adoption and prevent discontinuance Achieve a terminal relationship

14 The Innovation-Decision Process Strategies in Achieving Critical Mass Rogers (2003) defines critical mass as “the point at which enough individuals in a system have adopted an innovation such that the innovation’s further rate of adoption becomes self-sustaining.”

15 The Innovation-Decision Process Centralization vs. Decentralization Rogers (2003) postulates that centralization is negatively associated with innovativeness. New ideas of an organization is restricted when control and power are held by only a few individuals.

16 References Edmodo. (2013). Retrieved from: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Diffusion and integration of technology in education. Baltimore, MD: Author. Rogers, E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations, Fifth Edition. NY, NY: Free Press.

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