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Collaborating Using Google Docs Shannon Shafer 7th grade ELA - Southwest Middle.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborating Using Google Docs Shannon Shafer 7th grade ELA - Southwest Middle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborating Using Google Docs Shannon Shafer 7th grade ELA - Southwest Middle


3 Student and Teacher Use What you will receive today: Ideas on how to: use Docs as a teacher use Docs as a collaborative team use Docs as a student If you have any ideas to share, please add them to this Doc:

4 Collaborating Using Google Docs - Teacher

5 #1 (T): Meeting Notes Take your staff meeting notes in Google Docs. ●Share with the rest of the staff ●Share with the rest of the group/team ●Share with absentees ●Share with other teachers in other buildings/districts ●Access anywhere

6 #2 (T): Translate Letters Home for Parents Example Translate letters home to parents by using the translate feature in Google Docs.

7 Collaborating Using Google Docs - Collaborative Team

8 #1 (CT): Collaborative Unit Planning Work on the same unit plan (at the same time) with a colleague using Google Docs. ●comment ●chat ●edit/modify ●link

9 #2 (CT): Collaborative Lesson Planning Work on the same lesson plan (at the same time) with a colleague using Google Docs. ●comment ●chat ●edit/modify ●link

10 #3 (CT): Shared Lesson Repository Store your lesson plans in your school's shared Doc list so that anyone at your school can find and access them. Create a folder for your grade level to share resources.


12 #4 (CT): Share Exemplars Sharing exemplars will help each other with grading. ●consistency ●reflection ●lead future conversations

13 Collaborating Using Google Docs - Student

14 #1 (S): Improve the Writing Process Use Google Docs to: ●Have students work collaboratively from anywhere (student) ●Give each other ongoing and simultaneous feedback (student and teacher) ●Use revision history to hold students accountable for their work (teacher) ●Publish student work (student and teacher) Example

15 #2 (S): Host a Collaborative Conversation Teacher poses a question. Student answers question. Students respond to each others answers. Teacher poses another question. …... Can be used for: ●responding to literature ●responding to an essential question ●test review Example

16 #3 (S): Share Research ●save time ●share ideas ●share citations ●revisit for reliability

17 #4 (S): Reading Response Journals and/or Notes ●Have students keep their RRJ in a shared Google Doc. You can give your comments while students continue to write in their journals! ●Have students take notes on a shared Google Doc. You can add missing information, correct incorrect information, and/or share an outline for them to fill out (adapting).

18 Try it! Beginner: ●Share a document with a colleague where they can edit it with you ●Translate a document Intermediate: ●Create a folder in Drive to start CT collaboration (share the folder with two other people) Advanced: ●Analyze the revision history of a document ●Get your Drive folders set up for the 15-16 school year Shannon Shafer (SWM-7) 5-5323 314-650-7970 (cell - feel free to text) Form Link for Feedback:

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