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South Dakota Transportation Safety Conference February 21-22, 2007 John G. Rohlf, P.E. Federal Highway Administration Pierre, South Dakota.

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2 South Dakota Transportation Safety Conference February 21-22, 2007 John G. Rohlf, P.E. Federal Highway Administration Pierre, South Dakota

3 The problem…  42,443 fatalities 186 in SD (190 in 2006)  Leading cause of death in young Americans ages 3 to 33 81 of the 186 fatalities in South Dakota were under 35  Cost of crashes (2000 data): US = $230 Billion SD = $500 Million

4 Fatality Rate (Per 100 million Vehicle Miles of Travel)








12 Are we making any progress?

13 Unbelted Fatalities, Run-off-Road, Alcohol & Speed




17 Roadway Safety Committee Initiated in 2003 as a combined effort of FHWA, NHTSA, FMCSA, SDDPS, & SDDOT Bring various segments of the safety community together Develop the Annual Highway Safety Plan (for NHTSA)

18 SAFETEA-LU  HSIP - new core program  significant increase in safety funds  Two new programs:  High Risk Rural Roads  Safe Routes to Schools  Strategic Highway Safety Plan

19 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) SAFETEA-LU Requirement Input from various segments of the safety community (Roadway Safety Committee plus others) Data-driven highway safety plan

20 Why are we here? You have an interest and a role in improving highway safety Network and share ideas Forge new partnerships, join forces, and pool resources

21 Thank You!



24 SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users Public Law 109-59 August 10, 2005

25 TEA-21 SAFETEA-LU 2003 $207M 2006 $260M ($225M spending limit)

26 High-Risk Rural Roads  Rural collectors or local roads  Fatal crash rate above average (…or, increase traffic likely to lead to a fatal crash rate above average)

27 Safe Routes to Schools  Enable and encourage children to walk and bike to school safely  Apportioned based enrollment $1M minimum to each State  Requires a fulltime coordinator

28 Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)  Key to a successful safety program  Must be data-driven  Problem identification  Countermeasure analysis



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