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University of Kragujevac Technical faculty ^a~ak - Danijela Milo{evi} CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Kragujevac Technical faculty ^a~ak - Danijela Milo{evi} CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Kragujevac Technical faculty ^a~ak - Danijela Milo{evi} CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT

2 Technical faculty ^a~ak PROFILES:  G raduate engineer of electrical engineering for electroenergetics  G raduate engineer of electrical engineering for computer science  G raduate engineer of mechatronics  G raduate engineer of industrial management  T eacher for informatics and technical training Future (and past) profiles:  Teacher for mechanical engineering  Teacher for electrical engineering

3 Objective: - teaching information technology subjects in primary and secondary schools as well as in a specific IT disciplines (like using computers in technics) - giving technical training education Profile : TEACHER FOR INFORMATICS AND TECHNICAL TRAINING

4 New curriculum is based upon: New curriculums for primary and secondary schools according to The Ministry of Education (in progress) (25% of educational skills subjects ???) Conducted poll among high school teachers about covered IT areas

5 Current Curriculum at Technical Faculty Cacak., Univ. Kragujevac,

6 Proposed curriculum Profile : TEACHER FOR INFORMATICS AND TECHNICAL TRAINING Proposed curriculum Specific IT domain knowledgeInformation Technology

7 ELECTIVES Computer simulation and modelling in technics Robotics E-business Artificial intelligence in education Computer Graphics Computer Integrated Manufacturing Production information systems Computer security and crime Human - computer interaction Computer vision and image processing Proposed curriculum Profile : TEACHER FOR INFORMATICS AND TECHNICAL TRAINING Proposed curriculum

8 Teaching methods in IT Prerequisite knowledge: Psychology and Pedagogy Objectives: The purpose of this course is to provide students with concepts of didactic principles and teaching methods and strategies in teaching information technologies. Content through learning units: Fundamentals of teaching methods. Information technologies and its connections to other subjects. Specific characteristics in teaching IT. Didactic principles in teaching IT. Teaching strategies and methods in teaching IT. IT curriculums in primary and secondary schools. Planning IT classes (monthly and annualy). Multimedial systems. Tutoring systems and didactic games. School information systems. Professional training and evaluation of school teachers. Innovations in teaching IT.

9 Comparision of weighing factors of the broad knowledge areas in the curriculum:

10 Program for professional training of school teachers accredited by The Ministry of Education and Sport Objectives: Developing teaching skills and knowledge spreading in student –teacher communication according to the active learning principles and modern teaching strategies Application of modern educational technologies with the advancement of teaching communications Program: Techer roles. Communication in education. Team work in technical disciplines. Teaching strategies of active learning in technical disciplines. Using software tutoring systems in tech. disc. Teacher supervision and assessment.

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