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Membership Statistics 2008-2009. 7,000,000 Girls Have Grown Through Membership in Girl Guides of Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Statistics 2008-2009. 7,000,000 Girls Have Grown Through Membership in Girl Guides of Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership Statistics 2008-2009

2 7,000,000 Girls Have Grown Through Membership in Girl Guides of Canada

3 Total Numbers  Girl Members 70,084  Adult Members 18,919  PMBRS 1,641 (approximate)  Total Members 89,003  Total Membership if all PMBRS were transitioned into Members: 90,644

4 Adult Membership  Total number of adult Members: 18,919  Total PMBR: 1,641  Net loss: 6% (down from 10% 2007)  16,952 hold an active Unit Guider position (up 11% over 2007)

5 Interesting Observations  1,201 new adult Members joined in 2008  17,718 adult Members retained (88% an increase of 4% over 2007)  2,461 Members left in 2008 (12% of 2007 adult Membership)  If PMBRS converted we would have 20,560 adult Members (a 2% increase)

6 Girl Membership  Total number of girl Members: 70,084  16,206 girls joined in 2008 (23% of the current girl Membership is recruited)  53,878 girl Members returned (70% of 2007 Membership)  23,342 girl Members left in 2008 (30% of 2007 Membership)  Net Loss: 9% (down from 10% 2007)

7 Interesting Observations  In 2007 33,271 girl Members were recruited, 2008, 16,206 were recruited (49% of 2007 recruited)  Girl Member retention has increased by 13% over 2007  NB increased girl Members  Approx. 10,000 girl Members who joined last year stayed

8 Girl Numbers Girl Members by branch (% of Membership) Retention ( accounts for advancement ) 20072008 Decrease Sparks (25%) 48%19,31317,6209% Brownies (31%) 72%24,00721,67110% Guides (29%) 77%23,13420,35112% Pathfinders (9%) 79%8,3336,57921% Rangers (3%) 87%2,4332,16611%

9 Interesting Observations  Retention has increased for Sparks, Brownies, Guides  Sparks and Brownies represent the same percentage of our total numbers as they did in 2007  Retention for Rangers and Pathfinders has decreased  184 girl Members are in Ex Ops only, 1421 girl Members are in Guiding units

10 Link Members Total Members with a Link activity: 483 Total Members with a Link only activity: 197 7% net loss over 2007 (decline down from 29% in 2007)

11 Trefoil & 75+ Activity  Total number of Members with a Trefoil Guild Activity: 3609  Total number with a Trefoil Guild only activity: 1385 (38% decrease over 2007)  9% decrease in Members with a Trefoil Guild activity  541 Members are 75+ (3%of adult Members)

12 Provincial Total Comparison Province2007-20082008-2009Net Alberta12,60812,630.17% British Columbia16,54915,671-5.31% Manitoba3,5513,408-4.03% New Brunswick2,6382,7082.65% Newfoundland5,7845,345-7.59% National133124-7% Nova Scotia6,6706,114-8.34% Ontario43,46637,565-13.58% Prince Edward Island594477-24.75% Quebec2,3102,161-6.45% Saskatchewan2,9182,830-3.02% Total97,39989,003-8.62%

13 Total Membership Decline 1992-2009

14 Census Comparisons 1992 vs. 2008 Province19922008Decrease Alberta25,86312,63051% British Columbia35,86515,67156% Manitoba7,3113,40853% New Brunswick7,3452,70863% Newfoundland13,8045,34561% Nova Scotia16,0086,11462% Ontario117,79637,56568% Prince Edward Island1,52547769% Quebec6,7202,16168% Saskatchewan8,1642,83065% Census Total262,32089,00366%

15 Girl and Adult Member Decline 2003-2009

16 Year over Year Decline YearsDecline 2002-03 to 2003-04-6.86% 2003-04 to 2004-05-9.7% 2004-05 to 2005-06-13.41% 2005-06 to 2006-07-6.72% 2006-07 to 2007-08-10.15% 2007-08 to 2008-09-8.62%

17 A Snapshot after the “Count” Jan 22, 09Feb 3, 09 PROVINCE GIRLS ADULTSTotal GIRLS ADULTSTotal% Increase Alberta10,1212,50912,63010,2262,51312,739 0.86% British Columbia12,0253,64615,67112,1273,63315,760 0.56% Manitoba2,6587503,4082,6807513,431 0.67% New Brunswick2,1775312,7082,2525262,778 2.52% Newfoundland/Labrador4,2881,0575,3454,3171,0775,394 0.91% Nova Scotia4,8421,2726,1144,8751,2676,142 0.46% Ontario29,6907,87537,56530,2328,06038,292 1.90% Prince Edward Island342105447348104452 1.11% Quebec1,7254362,1611,7474442,191 1.37% Saskatchewan2,2036272,8302,2206262,846 0.56% National131111242102104 -19.23% TOTAL:70,08418,91989,00371,02619,10390,129 1.25%

18 Provincial Comparison PROVINCETotal 2007- 2008 GIRLSADULTSTotal 2008- 2009 % Increase Feb 3/09 Alberta12,60810,2262,51312,739 1.04% British Columbia16,54912,1273,63315,760 -4.77% Manitoba3,5512,6807513,431 -3.38% New Brunswick2,6382,2525262,778 5.31% Newfoundland/Labrador5,7844,3171,0775,394 -6.74% Nova Scotia6,6704,8751,2676,142 -7.92% Ontario43,46630,2328,06038,292 -11.90% Prince Edward Island594348104452 -23.91% Quebec2,3101,7474442,191 -5.15% Saskatchewan2,9182,2206262,846 -2.47% National1332102104 -21.80% 178 TOTAL:97,39971,02619,10390,129 -7.91%

19 Conclusions  We have reduced our Membership decline by 1.5% from last year.  Girl retention increased by 13%. If we’d recruited the same number of girls as in 2007 our girl Membership would have increased by 11%.  We have increased our Unit Guider activities overall.  Our Trefoil have decreased in Membership but Trefoil Member activities have increased. More Trefoil Members are now in other roles such as Advisers and Treasurers.

20 Well Done! Together we’re making a difference!

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