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Defining the Virtuous Circle: Discussing the Need to Increase iSchool Doctoral Student Diversity Dr. Renee E. Franklin, Syracuse University & Dr. Paul.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining the Virtuous Circle: Discussing the Need to Increase iSchool Doctoral Student Diversity Dr. Renee E. Franklin, Syracuse University & Dr. Paul."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining the Virtuous Circle: Discussing the Need to Increase iSchool Doctoral Student Diversity Dr. Renee E. Franklin, Syracuse University & Dr. Paul T. Jaeger, University of Maryland

2 By the Numbers: Race/Ethnicity U.S. Census Bureau Fact Finder, 2005-07 American Community Survey: http//

3 Percentage Comparison of Nation & All IS/LIS Ph.D. Students U.S. Census Bureau Fact Finder, 2005-07 American Community Survey: http//, ALISE Statistical Report, 2004

4 Latino, African American LIS/IS Ph.D. Student Enrollment ALISE Statistical Report, 2004

5 Comparison of Nation & All IS/LIS Faculty U.S. Census Bureau Fact Finder, 2005-07 American Community Survey: http//, ALISE Statistical Report, 2004

6 Comparison of Nation & IS/LIS Faculty (White, Latino, African American) U.S. Census Bureau Fact Finder, 2005-07 American Community Survey: http//, ALISE Statistical Report, 2004

7 Representation of White, Latino, & African American Faculty ALISE Statistical Report, 2004

8 Significance of the Issue Statistical projections suggest that the number of racial/ethnic minorities will increase greatly in the coming years It is essential that steps are taken to make the representation of races/ethnicities in doctoral programs more proportionate to national numbers

9 WHAT CAN iSCHOOLS DO? Consider the Virtuous Circle!

10 The Virtuous Circle Diverse doctoral population Diverse faculty & administration Culturally aware Bachelor’s & Master’s students Culturally aware information workforce

11 OUTCOMES Diverse & inclusive information services/ professions Diverse doctoral population Diverse faculty & administration Culturally aware Bachelor’s & Master’s students Culturally aware information workforce

12 Implications for the Future of Doctoral Education STUDENTS Increased population of diverse iSchool students – Heightened awareness of factors that affect African Americans’ & Latinos’ (and other ethnic groups’) decision to pursue doctoral studies – New & improved recruitment & retention methods/tools

13 Implications Continued iSCHOOLS Creation of a larger, more diverse pool of potential faculty – Inclusion of diverse research ideas & perspectives – Insights to share with other fields – Role models whose presence encourages interest from diverse students

14 Implications Continued UNIVERSITIES Colleges/universities with higher diversity increasingly highly regarded

15 Implications Continued iWORKFORCE Creation of a more diverse and culturally aware information workforce – More opportunities for ethnically diverse employers and employees – Corporations that encourage diversity often are highly successful

16 Implications continued …and Beyond Increased acceptance of and opportunities for other “underrepresented” groups – Individuals with disabilities – Individuals who identify as LGBT – Individuals who are socioeconomically disadvantaged

17 Thank you!! Questions? Comments?

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