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Mid-Term Final Review The temporary answer that a scientist uses to guide an experiment is a: ans: hypothesis 2. Scientific theories change when: ans:

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-Term Final Review The temporary answer that a scientist uses to guide an experiment is a: ans: hypothesis 2. Scientific theories change when: ans:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-Term Final Review The temporary answer that a scientist uses to guide an experiment is a: ans: hypothesis 2. Scientific theories change when: ans: new evidence is found 3. The science dealing with the composition of materials and the changes which materials undergo is ans: chemistry

2 4. A measure of not only the amount of matter but also of the effect of Earth’s gravitational pull on that matter. ans: weight 5. What should you do if you are unsure of a portion of the lab you are about to do? ans: ask the teacher 6. What should ALWAYS be worn in the laboratory at ALL times? ans: goggles/safety glasses

3 7. How long should you flush your eyes if you get a chemical, or think you get a chemical, in your eye? ans: 20 minutes 8. What piece of equipment is used in a water bath to hold water to be heated? ans: beaker 9. What piece of lab equipment is used to measure volumes of liquids? ans: graduated cylinder

4 10. A cube has a volume of 8. 0 cm3 and a mass of 21. 6 grams
10. A cube has a volume of 8.0 cm3 and a mass of 21.6 grams. The density of the cube is: ans: 2.7 g/cm3 11. Taking an object from Earth to Mars would most likely affect the object’s: volume; density; mass; shape; or weight. ans: weight 12. Which would have a larger ionization energy: Mg or Mg2+ ans: Mg2+

5 13. In a chemical reaction, these are the things undergoing the reaction? ans: reactant 14. The simplest form a matter? ans: the element or the atom 15. The study of chemistry that involves carbon based compounds? ans: organic chemistry 16. Which is an anion: S2- or Ca2+ ans: a-negative-ion, S2-

6 17. The amount of matter present. ans: mass 18
17. The amount of matter present? ans: mass 18. A physical property of a matter that has no defined shape but a defined volume? ans: liquid 19. A mixture known to be of a uniform composition like air is: ans: homogeneous mixture

7 20. How many sig figs in 250. 36. ans: 5 21
20. How many sig figs in ? ans: What is the answer in sig figs for ans: What prefix means x bigger? ans: Mega- 23. What prefix means 1000 x smaller? ans: milli-

8 x 10-5 m x 104 cm ans: 1.25 x 102 m 25. What groups would s2 d10 p3 be: ans: Group 5A 26. What is the symbol for Mercury? ans: Hg 27. What block would Sm be found? ans: f-block x 108 / 3.2 x 10-6 = x What is the correct expression? ans: 1.3 x 1014

9 29. What concept is defined as mass/volume. ans: Density (g/ml) 30
29. What concept is defined as mass/volume? ans: Density (g/ml) 30. What type of measurement is described as red, cool, or big? ans: qualitative measurement 31. Given an example of a quantitative measurement? ans: anything with a number

10 32. What is the name of the group that contains elements like Cl and Br? ans: halogens L/hr = _______cm3/min ans: 2.08 cm3/min K = __________ oC ans: 0oC 35. What is the equation that defines the amount of energy in a wave? ans: Ephoton = hf

11 36. What is wrong with this relationship: 1 ml = 1000 L ans: 1 L = 1000 ml 37. Convert K to oC and oC to K oC = k – 273 K = oC To convert 125 g to _____ Kg, the conversion factor would be: ans: 1 Kg = 1000 g 39. Know the parts of John Dalton’s Theory.

12 40. 1/12th of a carbon atom is an: ans: amu 41
40. 1/12th of a carbon atom is an: ans: amu 41. What subatomic particle has a positive charge : ans: proton found in the nucleus. 42. The number of the protons is the: ans: atomic number 43. In an element; 12C6, the 12 is the ans: mass number

13 44. The weighted average mass of a sample is called the ans: atomic mass 45. An atom with the same number of protons but the number of neutron varies is called: ans: isotope 46. An atom with the same number of protons but different number of electrons is called: ans: ion

14 47. An atom with a mass number of 70 and an atomic number of 31, has how many neutrons? ans: 39 neutrons 48. Which number in #45 above allows you to identify the element? ans: 31, the number of protons never changes! 49. Which A Group #’s tend to form + ions exclusively? ans Group IA, IIA, and IIIA

15 50. Which block always fills before a transitional metal
50. Which block always fills before a transitional metal? ans: s block 51. What is the element that has the last electron placed in the 4p3? ans: As 52. What is the element that has a filled 4s and has the 5 electrons in the 3d? ans: Mn

16 53. The total possible number of electrons in any energy level is defined as: ans: 2n2 ( n = energy level) 54. Who said that the first three electrons entering the ‘p’ sublevel must spin in the same direction? ans: Pauli’s Exclusion Principle 55. Apply Hund’s Rule. 56. Write electron configurations 57. Use the short hand method to write electron configurations.

17 58. What is true about all elements within a Group
58. What is true about all elements within a Group? ans: all have same # of valance e- 59. Is Fe3+ a cation or an anion? ans: cation (+ charged ion) 60. What is the charge of an atom? ans: neutral

18 61. In terms of electron configuration, what can be conclude about N, P and Bi. ans: all have the same valance configuration. 62. Identify trends in atomic radius, ionization energy and electronegativity on the periodic table. 63. Identify the s, p, d, and f block on the periodic table or from a given element.

19 64. A group of elements that are neutral but act as a group is called ans: a molecule 65. A molecule that carries a charge? ans: polyatomic ion 66. In Lead (III) oxide, what is the oxidation number for lead? ans: What is the formula unit in #49? ans: Pb2O3

20 68. Shows the kind and the smallest whole number of atoms in an ionic compound? ans: formula unit 69. Name binary and ternary acids HBr H2SO3 H2S HClO3 HNO3 HF

21 70. Name: a. NO ans: nitrogen monoxide b
70. Name: a. NO ans: nitrogen monoxide b. S3P6 ans: Trisulfur hexaphosphide 71. Molecular Formula: a. Tetrasulfur heptachloride ans: S4Cl7

22 72. In sulfur trioxide, how many oxygens ans: 3 73
72. In sulfur trioxide, how many oxygens ans: In Lead (III) oxide, what is the oxidation number for lead? ans: What is the formula unit in #49? ans: Pb2O3

23 75. Shows the kind and number of atoms in a molecule?
ans: molecular formula 76. Shows the kind and the smallest whole number of atoms in an ionic compound? ans: formula unit 76. Name binary and ternary acids

24 66. Given SiCl4, a. how many unshared pairs ans: none b
66. Given SiCl4, a. how many unshared pairs ans: none b. What is the shape? ans: tetrahedral c. What is the bonding angle? ans: d. Is the molecule polar? ans: NO, non-polar

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