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Do Now Activity (Mon. Aug. 30th)

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1 Do Now Activity (Mon. Aug. 30th)
Take out a piece of paper and draw an outline of the United States from memory. Next, draw and label on your “memory” map some of the major topographical features of the United States, such as the Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes, Grand Canyon, Mississippi River, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Now, try to indicate the general location of some major states, such as New York, California, Texas, Florida, Colorado, Michigan, North Carolina, Washington, and Illinois. You may feel frustrated by this exercise, but try to do the best you can as this exercise will help you comprehend your knowledge of U.S. geography…and lead into what we’ll be talking about today.




5 Discussion Questions:
How well did your memory serve you? Did you have a hard time remembering the outline of the United States? Did you leave out anything significant?

6 Discussion Questions:
How well did your memory serve you? Did you have a hard time remembering the outline of the United States? Did you leave out anything significant? How well did you remember the location of major physical features? The locations of states?




10 Regions The concept of regions is a way to organize and study space.
A region is an area defined by certain unifying characteristics. The United States is divided into a series of regions. Physical characteristics such as climate, vegetation and landscape can be used to designate a region. Cultural characteristics such as ethnicity, clothing style and behavior can also be used. Understand that regions have specific boundaries, are different from other regions in a significant way, and can be any size.

11 Regions Take your “memory” maps back out.
There are 7 major physical regions of the United States. Yes…7!!! Draw where the boundary lines would go. TIP: Try to use the physical features of the land to determine where you draw your boundary lines. Go ahead…give it a try…guess!

12 Can you name the 7 major physical regions of the U.S.?
(New England Region, Mid-Atlantic Region, Southeast Region, Midwest and Great Plains Region, South Central Region, Mountain West Region and Pacific Region)

13 - Why did you draw the boundaries for each region where you did
- Why did you draw the boundaries for each region where you did? - What criteria did you use in determining your boundaries?

14 U.S. Political Boundaries

15 “What’s Your Region Really Like?”
Divide the class into seven groups, and assign each group a region of the United States. Watch VIDEO Each group will then role play “Which region am I?” by discussing the features of their region. Other groups will find out what region it is by listening closely to the video and also listening quietly to each group speak.

16 CORE 1 Groups Group 1 – Jerome, Nick, Ruthie, Kristen
Group 2 – Garrett, Golf, Dominique, Alleona Group 3 – Austin, Delores, Ashley Group 4 – Kaysaan, Dino, Emilee, Kyndale Group 5 – Israel, Zion, Akira, Michaela Group 6 – Carl, Dustin, La-Antrea, Kayla Group 7 – Kris, Dalton, Kyler, Taya

17 CORE 2 Groups Group 1 – Quiana, Summer, Ben, Bronston
Group 2 – Erin, Tyra, Rodney Group 3 – Kaitlyn, Jamie, Andrew, Tim Group 4 – Natalia, Moki, Michael, Enrique Group 5 – Monisha, Michaela, Matt, Andy Group 6 – Brittany, Zach, Gabriel, Jonathen Group 7 – Charleena, Mia, James, Kaleb

18 CORE 3 Groups Group 1 – Austin, Kwata, Dominique
Group 2 – Mihir, Tanisha, Brianna, Eddie Group 3 – Brandon, Josh, Schesna, Coralys Group 4 – Chris, Francisco, Shazariah, Ali Group 5 – Brandon, Denisha, Cheyenne, Priest Group 6 – Precious, Lizzie, Lyana Group 7 – Autray, Kalyn, Trichelle, Nicole

19 CORE 4 Groups Group 1 – Lacelle, Rob, Allison, Alyssa M.,
Group 2 – Chris G., Kevin, Symone Group 3 – Alex, E. J., Josh, Mariah Group 4 – Chris S., Tristan, Rakiah Group 5 – Dylan, Lamar, Marlynn, Lakenya Group 6 – Isaiah, Justin, Crystal, Amelia Group 7 – A’Darian, Thomas, Alyssa J., Erica

20 3 4 1 2 7 5 6

21 Region Choices New England Mid-Atlantic Southeast
Midwest & Great Plains South Central Mountain West Pacific West

22 Wrap-Up Activity Ask students to consider how they would know when traveling when they leave one region and enter another. What characteristics make one region different from another?

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